should you just sit around while she cooks or try to participate by making something? and then offer to do dishes?

  1. I’d ask if she wants me to, if no, then ask if she wants me to help at least, if still no, then I’d just tidy things up around her as she goes. I don’t like sitting down knowing she’s doing something for both of us (unless she really wants me to put my feet up which would be the cutest thing ever).

  2. Buy her a pet chimp and watch it maul her face like that one chimp did to that poor woman years ago.


    just offer help

  3. Offer to help cook.

    Eat the food. Compliment the chef.

    Help with dishes.

    Repeat this process until you die.

  4. Sit and chat. Ask if she needs any help prepping or stirring anything. And offer to help do the dishes afterwards. I think cooking can be a good time for conversation provided it doesn’t inhibit her concentration so much that she burns herself lol

  5. FYI: For a woman, it’s a big red flag if a guy just stands around while she cooks and cleans.

    Just sayin….

  6. “Can I bring some wine?”

    “Can I bring dessert?”

    If she makes everything, then you clean,

  7. You relax and let her take care of you, there’s no need to lift a single finger in the kitchen. I wouldn’t offer to help cook or do the dishes afterwards. She wants to treat you to a meal, so accept her gift. If anything maybe flirt with her a little bit in the kitchen.

  8. Start talking about how it’s unfair she gets to make dinner bc society won’t let men make dinner then storm off and go on here and complain about hoe society is out to get men. Then jerk off

  9. I ran around the apartment, killing all the spiders and opening all the jars. Then I chopped down a tree and made her a tiny house.

    Just kidding. I kept the kids occupied and out of the kitchen.

  10. Female here, I show love through cooking meals for people and allowing them to sit down and relax with a drink or a show and let me serve. I do appreciate being asked if I need help but as soon as I say no go relax, I like to just do my thing. Always offer to do dishes after (I never take up the offer but it feels like appreciation). So ask to help, stay out of her way when she wants you out of the way, and offer to do dishes. And tell her it’s delicious and how much you appreciate her cooking. Then rub her feet after for bonus points 🙂

  11. She should cook before you get there. Unless she’s uptight, do the dishes in the morning while making coffee.

  12. I’d say “the hell you are” and then change into an apron, and nothing else, and then make dinner while she gets to ogle at my sexy body

  13. Ask what’s on the menu (or at least type of food if she wants to make it a surprise) so you can bring a sensible wine or desert. Definitely offer to help with stuff and make yourself useful, like chopping or mixing (wash your hands), but some people don’t like others getting into their flow of doing things or being in the way, so don’t take any offense or feel bad. Depending on the layout, hang out nearby and chat. Talk about cooking techniques, food experiences, what/how she’s doing, etc, just random kitchen talk. Get things started with a bit of wine to sip or whatever. Help with cleanup and dishes.

  14. I love cooking so i’d try and help. Can be simple things such as cutting the onions, garlic, etc…

    If she really insists on making everything herself, put some music on, talk, serve her and yourself some wine (if you drink) and when she isn’t wielding a sharp object, maybe flirt with her or kiss her neck and “distract”her a little if you’re at that stage in your courtship.

    And finally, be polite and set the table since she’s cooking and when you’re done, insist on doing the dishes since she cooked 🙂

  15. Pour the drinks, chose some music, sit facing her if she has barstools at the counter. Offer to chop things (learn to chop things). Ask her about the dish, when she learned to cook, why this dish etc

  16. Let her make it.

    She said that she wanted to.

    “should you just sit around while she cooks?”

    Sure, she’s treating you.

    “or try to participate by making something?”

    I guess you could but that kills the point of her cooking for you.

    “and then offer to do dishes?”

    See my last statement.

  17. Hang with her in the kitchen. Help where you can but tbh in my experience this just makes me feel like a dog, watching her walk around the kitchen. Insist on doing dishes – this is the easiest life hack. If you end up meeting her mom, it’s a sure fire way to get mama to like you.

  18. well if she doesnt want the help, set up the table while you wait, maybe order drinks to go with meal, help clean up before and after

  19. Bring her a gift. If old enough a nice bottle of wine or some flowers. Offer to set the table or if it’s more casual offer to do the dishes. Enjoy her company and listen. Don’t make it about you. That’s not to say don’t talk but ask about her get to know her. But the most important thing is to relax and enjoy the day.

  20. Thank her, enjoy, ask what help she wants, be grateful, plan to treat her in some special way in the not too distant future

  21. If she said _she_ will cook dinner, then she probably doesn’t expect or want help because she knows what to do and if it’s only two people, she probably doesn’t need it. It’s still polite to ask if you can help.

    Most importantly, keep her company while she’s cooking. Don’t sit around staring at your phone and wait for dinner.

  22. Generally I buckle up and get ready for what I’m sure will be a sub-par evening.

    Today’s modern women can’t cook. Their idea of a 3 course meal is ordering from 3 different restos on justeat or whatever.

  23. “Try not to burn the kitchen down Dollface…. If you don’t burn it down i’ll give you a firm handshake and do the dishes for yah, Thanks”

  24. I d ask if I can bring any thing or do any thing to help..At lest I d buy A desert ..If she likes to drink what ever her drink is..Of course help with clean up after

  25. You ask how you can contribute. It she says you don’t have to, let her do something nice for you. but show your appreciation. Do something nice for her on another day, and thank her for dinner.

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