what is your favorite non english word/phrase & what does it mean?

  1. I have a lot of them, but one I’ve always really liked is “prez kriv makaron”. Literally translates “through crooked pasta” and if you say somebody’s gonna be looking at it through crooked pasta it means that that thing just ain’t gonna happen.

    So, ladies, if you’re looking for creative ways to shut down the occasional pushy dude at the club, may I offer you some pasta?

  2. “Das ist geschmackssache” which is German for
    “That is a matter of taste.”

    I also have lots of favorite Norwegian words and phrases; here are several:
    1. bekkalokket – literally “stream lock” – means manhole cover
    2. bitte litt – little bit
    3. dårlig – terrible, horrible
    4. rumpetroll – literally “troll’s butt” – means tadpole
    5. morgenbrød – literally “morning bread” – slang similar to morning wood (erection)
    6. Det er helt Texas! – literally “that is completely Texas” – meaning something is crazy

  3. sobremesa.

    It means sitting around the table chatting after a meal, often with coffee and maybe with other nibbles or drinks.

  4. Nioi onara means smelly fart in Japanese. Had a Japanese exchange student teach us that when our dog cleared out the vehicle with one of his nasty silent but deadly farts

  5. The Dutch word “gezelligheid” or “gezellig”.
    Difficult to translate. Means fun or having a good time.

  6. *La douleur exquise*

    Directly translated, the French phrase means “exquisite pain,” but that doesn’t convey the full force of the sentiment. It specifically refers to that pain you feel for wanting someone you can’t have.

  7. “Yare yare daze” (because I’m a virgin jojo fan and don’t know any others other than like muda muda or arrivederci lol)

  8. I love how people call others “cariño” in Spanish, as you would call someone “dear”.

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