unattractive men of reddit, how did you find your SO?

  1. I put in a lot of work and became more attractive. I’m no 10, but I’m a pretty solid 6. Then I put in a lot of work and cultivated a much busier social life which helped me meet a ton more people and make a lot more friends.

  2. I wouldn’t say I’m completely unattractive, but I’ve been with my wife since we were teenagers, early 50’s now, she’s hotter now then 22,

  3. We met at a renaissance faire when we were 18. We lived in different states, but kept in touch over Myspace and met up at other ren faires. Eventually ended up hooking up nearly 10 years later.

    If you’re asking how I managed to get married despite being unattractive, I like to think I make up for my below average looks with above average humor and personality.

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