Im not working with a lot down south(4.8-5) so I wanted to get better at cunnilingus. I feel like I’m great at everything but clit sucking. I’ve read everything there is about it and I’m still lost. Do I suck just on the clit or vacuum the whole surrounding area. Do I suck and release slowly or create more of a faster motion. The lady I’m seeing uses and clit sucking toy to get off but when I go down and try to mimic it she gets very sensitive and pushes away. I know everyone will say “ever women is different” or “ask her” but what are things that work for you?

  1. Be gentle, the clit is sensitive. Gently cup the area with your mouth and suck a bit and also lick when your mouth is on the area

  2. >I know everyone will say “ever women is different” or “ask her”

    NGL this is true, and even with the same woman, every day is different, so, yes, ASK HER, she knows best what she wants


    >what are things that work for you?

    don’t just suck it… what are you gonna do? Drink something through a straw? Seriously, this area is SO DAMN SENSITIVE, even more so than your balls, **BE GENTLE**

    why not start with a slight tickle from your tongue? Test if she’s ready for more, if she’s ready, she will open more and then can you start to use your tongue… move up and down, slow, round-and-round movement, bit faster… when she moans, then can you start with a bit sucking, but really… BE GENTLE – IT’S ABOUT HER PLEASURE NOT YOURS

  3. Personally, hate my clit being sucked. Such an awful feeling and will completely ruin any effort to get to to orgasm and we’ll have to start over. At most I’ll tolerate a very light suck and only like one or two at a time and that’s more for his benefit than mine. I could be happy if it never ever happened.

    Those clit sucking machines are good totally different feeling than to a mouth also.

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