Well we’ve been friends for a long time, we kind of liked each other at a certain period but I’ve been holding my feelings in for a long time almost 5 years, then I decided to let him know about everything but this was his answer «  Even if you didn’t speak these words, your actions have spoken louder, and I had a feeling this was the case and it broke my heart to not go along cause I didn’t want to hurt you or anything else, But I cared deeply for you however I couldn’t speak my feelings cause I didn’t feel any at the time, and after you were going to get involved with someone I made my mind about not persuing anything emotionally, so I kept my limits, and I got to know other girls, but I still deeply care for you and want the best for you and want you to always be healthy successful and happy. »

Tl;rd : it broke my heart into pieces, I’ve always been running from my feelings and the biggest mistake I’ve made is going through a relationship just to forget him for the only reason that he might not share the same feelings. Should I pretend like nothing happened and move on ?

Thank you in advance.

  1. You should move on. It’s one of life’s great disappointments: sometimes two people feel intensely for each other, but the timing is wrong so nothing happens. It could have been great, but you miss the window to make it happen.

  2. Honestly, sounds like you both chose to run away from your feelings. While he didn’t feel them at the time he acknowledges part of that was that he was scared of being hurt watching you pursue others.

    Just one of those sad things that happens but honestly I think you may have hit the point that you do need to let go. This dynamic can never be what you want it to be and while you pursued someone else to try and get over him the reverse is also true that you will never be able to get with someone else until you get over him. And it is clear being friends is not conducive to you letting go.

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