I love him so much but the mustache is one of those really thin, sparse, weak ones, and it’s giving pedo-stache vibes. I don’t want to hurt his confidence and I want him to know I love him no matter what, but the mustache is just soooo so bad. What do I do?

  1. LOL asking a partner to remove their hair gets reddit all riled up and this appears to be the gender swapped question about hair removal. In either case I would be open about how it isn’t attractive to you and suggest a few other options. Reasonable partners make some reasonable accommodations for each other. Unfortunately, reasonable means something else to everyone.

  2. I would just wait until he grows up. When he gets a little older more face hair will grow in and his mustache will get thicker. Good luck.

  3. OP, you want to have a relationship with enough trust and kindness to be able to tell the necessary truths to each other. Being afraid to communicate is… a stage to get past.

  4. I would tell him that exact phrase: “I don’t want to hurt your confidence and I love you no matter what, but that moustache is so bad”

  5. OP I’ve recently grown a mustache and no less than 90% of the people I’ve asked about it dislike it. The top critic happens to be the girl I’m seeing. It’s okay to give your opinion, but just remember that the most important thing is whether or not HE likes wearing it.

    Also be ready, because this could open your own body hair choices up to criticism.

  6. I don’t particularly enjoy many of the style choices my fiancé has going on, but I don’t really care enough to try persuading him to do something different because it’s his body and his style choices make him feel confident & comfortable. I’m not gonna ruin that.

    I also don’t think there’s much harm in telling your boyfriend, unless he’s the sensitive type. Then again, not sure if there’s a nice way to tell him that won’t make him feel kinda bad lol. Personally, I’d leave it alone.

  7. If he’s dead set on a mustache, give it a little time. Mustaches take a while to really grow in for many people. But if it’s been a while and it still looks like that? Be honest, but gentle.

    I have a full beard, and haven’t been clean shaven for about 20 years. So I understand the attachment to facial hair. But it’s ok to make your views known (as long as you do so without making fun of it, or him for wanting one). Don’t be patronizing.

  8. « I don’t love the mustache hon. Love you though! Whatever you want to do with your style is up to you”

  9. What looks bad and good is entirely objective. Let that man enjoy is stache and if that’s that big of deal to you and he clearly wants to keep it and grow his natural body hair then ig just let him be lmao

  10. If he asks what you think, I would say nicely tell him the truth. Don’t force him to shave it if he doesn’t want to obviously, but he might want to to be more attractive to you.

    (I just asked my husband what he would want me to do if I thought his facial hair looked bad, and he said, “Tell me so I could shave that shit off! I don’t want to go around looking like a goob.”)

  11. Shave it off in his sleep and make him believe it keeps coming off on its own and he’ll eventually stop trying to grow it.

  12. you’re entitled to your opinion, and he’s entitled to his moustache. Simple as that.

  13. My advice (and I’m going to be honest, this relationship didn’t work out for me) is to turn it into a compliment. “I like that you’re trying something new. However, I thought your features were better defined before you grew the mustache. That being said, it’s just my taste and if you like it you should keep it.”

  14. You can have an opinion and you can tell him your opinion if you’re respectful about it, but at the end of the day it’s his body and his opinion of his mustache is more important than yours. If he has friends, there is a 90% chance he is already aware of how dreadful his mustache is and doesn’t care, so if you love him you may have to learn to live with it

  15. You are allowed an opinion, but of he wants it, its his body. I don’t like my partner’s mo but its his face not mine

  16. I would just say “Honey, you know I love you but I’m not feeling this nookie duster you have growing on your face, it’s just not you and I can’t get use to it”. something along those lines.

  17. It might hurt his feelings. I went through a phase when I was younger of growing my beard out. It didn’t look particularly good, but I enjoyed the experience of growing it out.

    I’d say you can express your opinion about it, but do so politely as possible. It’s still his decision if he wants to keep it or not. People usually don’t like being told what to do either. If he’s stubborn, he could double down on keeping it. If you let him just get it out of his system, I’m sure he’ll get bored of it and shave it eventually.

    Take pictures of him with his moustache. If he decides to shave in the future, he will look back on this old picture and will probably be able to objectively see it doesn’t look that good. This was my personal experience of seeing my old pictures with a beard.

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