So, like many people that are in a sexless relationship runt, I’ve been turning to my Vibrator. It’s atleast 2 times aday. I mean, its just so easy to grab it when I’m bored. I know I shouldn’t use the highest setting it just feels so good.

In a result, I bruised my clitoris. So with this problem if mine, is there any advice to let it heal for 2-whatever days it takes to heal. It’s just a bad habit I have.

  1. Advice? Yeah, take a break for a week and let it heal. Ice pack maybe to help it along. Getting a handle on your two time a day habit would be the best thing.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. if you get desensitised it will take a long time to heal which will be a lifelong problem. Your choice as always. but too much of a good thing IS a thing. Peace

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