So around 2 months ago I (17m) was at this birthday party. There were few girls and one of them caught my eye (17f). We talked for a bit bur nothing else. 2 days ago I was at another birthday party and she was there as well. This time we talked a bit more but also danced together for like 2h. We were also holding hands and I kinda felt a little spark between us. The next day I messaged her on instagram and we talked for quite a while. At the end of the day I told her that she was really pretty the day before and asked her if she wants to go grab coffe some time (not really a date just to get to know her a bit better). She said that this week she is busy but we could maybe go next week. To me it kinda seems like she is maybe not really interested. What do you guys think? Do you have any suggestions for me?

1 comment
  1. At this point you have no reason not to take her at her word. Just keep moving forward and see what happens.

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