Hey there, thanks for reading.

So there’s this girl (22F) who I’ve been crushing on for a few months (21M), but in May she rejected me, after what seemed to be strong signals.

It was a tough few months of trying to move on and we had no contact, with one exception:

In august, I was at a party of her ‘Best’ friend. At this party, her friend said ‘Girl, said to say hi to you’.

Come September, I was feeling tons better. Come last Friday, and I had my graduation, where I was seated next to the girl.

At first was it was horrifically awkward, but she started panicking about going on stage. I settled her down and we joked for the rest of the ceremony.

She then spent the rest of the day holding onto my arm, grabbing me, nudging me and hugging me. She even wanted photos of the two of us alone.

She left with her family. She posted our photos on social media and I messaged her hoping she’s enjoying her time with her family. She responded, and I probably could’ve started a conversation, but I snubbed it short.

So I’ve been stuck wondering do I ask again, is she giving signals. I’d like to state, I know very well that I’m hoping for them, so I’m trying to be realistic.

Then over the last few days, her ‘Best’ friend from august starts messaging me. I’ve spoken to her on and off for months – but she’s take as long as days to reply.

She seems super interested in what I’m doing all the time and trying to learn more about me. I was starting to think she may like me, however, last night – she said she went to my crushes house, because she was having a bad day.

It seemed like she was trying to see what I would say about her. She continued by sending me photos of the both of them together.

Finally, I’m an artist – and I released something last night. They both watched the video, and she said they loved it.

Then my crush herself messaged me, and said she loved it. She included a joke that I made to her to calm her down on Friday. I know that seems like a stretch, but it wouldn’t have been easy to fit that in. She ended all her messages with hearts.

I’ve missed a lot of information, and some of you may recognise some of it.

I’d love some outside perspectives! Sorry for any typos. Thanks in advance:)

  1. It’s entirely possible for women to be friendly, flirty or even initiate physical contact with men that they have friend-zoned. You can debate these signals until you’re blue in the face, but if you really want the truth, then you just need to be direct and ask. “Hey, would you be interested in going out on a date or are you just looking for friendship?” This girl has already given you mixed signals and rejected you before, so please find the courage to just ask her whether she’s interested before you invest more emotion and hope.

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