Most of us have met a guy who seems to really have it together or who has this “thing” that you really admire. Whether it is an ability to make other people feel appreciated without being patronising or just is nice to be around.

What sorts of things do you really admire in another guy?

  1. Its gotta be a healthy balance between confidence and humility. Also integrity, if you give your word you better follow through. Being a good man is a difficult road that seems to be less pursued each generation.

    Nobody is perfect.

  2. I definitely get along better with other guys that have self-deprecating senses of humor or don’t take themselves seriously. But maybe that’s just because it matches my sense of humor.

  3. Honesty, integrity, faithfulness and many other good virtues. I like same traits in women as well.

  4. I really appreciate guys that know what they’re doing in a given area, but don’t think that they know everything. I’m pretty knowledgeable about a few things, but I always like to learn a new (and especially, better) way to do those things. I’m also happy to share what I know, and I don’t lord it over people or make them feel dumb for not being as experienced.

    All that gatekeeping and self-importance reeks of insecurity, and I don’t know how the guys that act this way don’t see how it makes them look to others. We’re all beginners at some point, and having someone condescend to you about trying to learn about something does not help anyone.

  5. Helps other men weaker than him rather than making fun of ’em. And the one who stays the fck outta others relationship.

  6. Awareness
    Emotional intelligence
    Emotional maturity
    Good listening skills

  7. Patience, for the first time in life I’m driving 7 days a week and the impatience I see in some people on the road is insane.

  8. Loyalty, honour, self-sacrifice, commitment to a higher purpose. Protect those that are weaker than they are. Provide for those that rely on them. Embrace responsibility. Hold their brothers to account. Respect the fuck out of women. Live life aggressively.

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