I late 20s m work with a mid 20s f, had a thing for her until I found out she had been secretly seeing another guy roughly 20 years older that I know. Still struggling to move on.

Somehow ended up confessing to her all sorts of bad things I tell myself about myself for hours. I can’t simply cut her off because we work together and honestly I don’t want to. But before and after this I know I wasn’t and am still not an option. So I’m stuck in a weird a** limbo type of place instead. Anyone ever gone through this before? I’d appreciate the advice.

I knew since the first time I’ve met her and most the time since that I am incredibly attracted to her. However she looks way better than me. And also the other guy beat me to having a romantic connection. So that’s why I haven’t asked her out. What’s a good way to not get attached to her?

  1. Man how are you gonna hear she’s hooking up with a dude her father’s age, that you also know, and not stop even looking in her direction?? Have some self respect

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