From waking to sleep what is it that helps or decides for you??

  1. Primarily the environment, which has the secondary but also desired effect of saving money.

    Mostly though, I base anything I do on my own experience.

  2. Usually energy consumption. If its a day off (I am lucky to work only 8 hours, 4 day weeks, but have to be in at 5am so up at 3.30-4) I’m up for all sorts. But if I have work the next day it’s a tough decision to do anything other than come home, chill out and take my daughter to the park.

  3. Am I in work, if not what do the kids need/want.
    If they’re both sorted and I’m not in work and not food time, what jobs do I have time for.

    Should all that be done or everything other than jobs I can’t do due to back pain, then it’s how much time and energy do I have? Lots of time but no energy equals film, lots of time and energy equals hobby or game, short time equals bit of Switch game or a YouTube video.

  4. Can I be bothered to do A or B?

    Do I have to take the train today and is there a strike? What is my alternative? (Travel a lot for work).

    Am I in the office or WFH?

    How am I feeling about “x” task?

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