How do you know you’re losing feelings for your partner

  1. When i dont think of her often. When I dont worry if they are okay or not. When affection starts to feel like a chore instead of something I love doing. Especially if I start to feel resentment towards them. That is the biggest red flag for me.

  2. When I realize I’m on my way home from work and haven’t texted her, or heard from her, or thought of her at all, and I’m completely at peace with that. When I’m thinking forward to the weekend or a vacation and she’s not in the picture sharing that good time with me. And when talking with them is becoming more and more of a chore rather than a joy.

  3. If you have to ask, I’d be worried. Either scrap the relationship or fight for it, those are your two options.

  4. I’m not sure actually, I kinda just know and feel the love fading, but usually don’t want to acknowledge the truth for a few days. Ultimately I will, and then comes bracing for sitting them down.

  5. when you start to think and prefer another person to talk to and hang out with instead of your partner

  6. I start feeling annoyed more often than I’m interested. It usually begins with her “nagging” at small, inconsequential things. I don’t like that word, but in my experience, it’s the only word thar fits

  7. when you would prefer being alone or not going home or just doing other activities instead of just being with her

  8. Last night was cold, windy, rainy, and shitty. My wife had to go to the grocery store and asked if I wanted to come. I had little interest in going out, but she barely finished the sentence before my coat and shoes were on.

    Thinking about that, in the context of this question, made me realize that all the times I declined similar invitations with previous partners should have been an early sign that I was losing interest.

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