For the sake of of privacy and convenience, I’ll be addressing my girlfriend (F16) as O. I (M16) started dating my best friend! I met her last year in my biology class and we instantly clicked. We would text back and forth almost daily. We were very close friends.
About a month ago, I started to develop romantic feelings for O. I started to realize how much more relaxed I am around her than my other friends, I started to cherish every single moment I could ever have with her. I dropped multiple very obvious hints and she reciprocated with hints too. Eventually I decided to invite her over, we ordered pizza and hung out in my room. We got into my bed and started cuddling! She fell asleep in my arms, and this was the moment I realized I was in love with her.
An important aspect to my post is that I have never fallen in love before. This is the first time and I have no idea what to expect. After she woke up, we just laid together in my bed. I didn’t touch her inappropriately or anything but it felt so intimate. Laying with her, feeling her soft skin, feeling her breathe, the smell of her hair, the sound of her voice. It was so perfect. I knew that our relationship was different than any of my other friends.
The weekend after, I went to her place to study for PSATs (we didn’t study much lmao), we ended up napping together again. No groping of any kind, just holding eachother. When we woke up, I showered her with compliments. I told her how soft her skin was, how good she smelled, how comfortable she made me. I also asked her what our relationship was. We came to the conclusion that we should start dating. Publicly too.
Now we are dating. We talk to eachother all the time at school, over text, and calls. I really do like her a lot. I’m also very nervous about this whole thing though.
I’m very self conscious about our relationship. I’m not embarrassed that I’m dating her or anything like that though. I want the whole entire world to know that I have the privilege of dating O. I just get unreasonably worried when I see her talking to other guys. I know that it’s completely platonic but it just makes me uncomfortable. I know that is is completely unfair to bring up to her and that’s why I never will. How can I get over this? It’s so mentally straining. O is also openly bisexual. This makes me wonder if I’m enough. Can she be satisfied with just dating a man?
I’m going to her place next Sunday and I’m almost certain we will probably nap together again. Last time , our faces were touching, we would nuzzle eachother. I should’ve asked to kiss her when I had the chance but I was too nervous. How do I ask her for a kiss? How do I even kiss?
When is it okay to tell her that I love her? Because I really think I do. I love the sound of her voice, the sound of her breath while we cuddle is so comforting, she smells so good it’s actually crazy. I wish I could get an O scented candle. The feeling of her body against mine is so relaxing, her face is so pretty, she has such a cool sense of style. She catches me staring at her all the time and we always laugh abt it together. She’s also a huge nerd. She’s really good at math, she’s obsessed with the mcu, she writes poetry all the time. She’s so interesting and I wanna learn everything about her. I want to tell her all of this but I don’t know how. When’s the right time? What should I say?

TLDR: do you have any advice for a self conscious, romantically awkward teen?

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