For example, jogging, swimming, biking, zumba class, weightlifting, etc.

  1. Does taking care of a tod and a newborn + doing the household chores count? Lol but kidding aside, I do elliptical bike and dumbbell when I have the time.

  2. I’ve been getting really into rhythm cycling lately. I’ve always hated cardio, but its actually really fun once you adjust to the constant peddling and can really focus on the choreography. Having the pace set to music makes it easy to lose yourself in the workout instead of counting the minutes.

  3. TRX. I started doing this in 2018 aside from other exercises and I can say that it’s gotten me in better shape.

  4. Jogging is best, it’s challenging and the feeling afterwards is unmatched. Weightlifting is most efficient, it takes little time and gives great results. Horseback riding is most thrilling.

    Swimming is great but I suck at it.

  5. Incidental exercise, like walking to get somewhere or jumping up and down at a concert. Any kind of deliberate exercise is boring and I hate it

  6. I dont like to exercise, but everyone says my hobby should be considered exercise so… 🤷🏻‍♀️ I figure skate. Anywhere between 0 – 24hrs a week. I consider it low intensity exercise since I’ve been doing it for years.

  7. Lifting, Beat Saber (So cadio?) And longboarding. Which I guess also sorta counts as cardio. Oh and boxing when I get the rare chance to do it.

  8. Swimming. I have hypermobility and my hips dislocate routinely so running and cycling are practically impossible for me. Weights aren’t really suitable either because I’m more likely to injure myself. Swimming is one of the few things I can do physically that doesn’t hurt me (most of the time at least).

  9. Swimming. Put me in the water and give me all day, and I will only spend like an hour total on the shore, and even that is only because I’ll get cold in the water.

  10. Dancing – jazz dance, ballet, show dance


    Zumba, but very much depending on the instructor

  11. Basketball cos I’m really tall, and walking cos I like being in nature. I have a medical condition that means I have to exercise every day, and im awful at actually doing that, but I try to get out a few times a week if I can.

  12. Do: Walking, Yoga, HIIT

    Like: Martial Arts, Walking, Yoga, Bouldering and Swimming

    I don’t do the out-of-house exercices anymore, because after losing student benefits, they got too expensive for me to justify. I also have a bit of a martial arts club trauma in th sense that I don’t want to be yelled at by a trainer ever again. I tried going to a few martial arts trial trainings and the majority of them had the hots for discipline in a way that isn’t good for my mental health. I’m not doing sports so I can feel bad about my abilites and strive to be liked by some abuse hurling samurai sword owning dork. It’s a bummer, becase I loved the strength and movement that comes with training martial arts.

  13. Weight lifting and walking. Most of the older women in my family have wound up with osteoporosis so I’m working to head it off now.
    Plus weight lifting twice a week turned out to be way more effective than endless cardio.

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