I have friends which I literally have never talked to in my life, and they are asking me if I want to get on a call on discord, I have insane social anxiety, what do I do?

  1. Say yes. you already know them so it will be out of your comfort zone but not too far out that it feels impossible. This sweet spot of uncomfortable but not immobilizing is the best place to combat your anxiety. It will be scary and uncomfortable for the first few minutes but im sure it will get better. And after 15 min if you are still feeling really uncomfortable you can always fake wifi/connection issues.

    15 min is my go to for combating my anxiety cause I can tell myself that 15 min isn’t a long time and that I can do anything (even anxiety inducing things) for 15 min. Good luck and have fun!

  2. If you want to be more extroverted instead of introverted in life is just a couple of easy steps. When talking to people face to face for the first time, some people worry that for whatever reason the other person won’t like them. All you have to do is say to yourself is that the other person is going to like me and make eye contact. No one likes when other people won’t look them in the face or when people walk around constantly looking down. It puts people off, you don’t have to stare at them the whole time just try to be conscious of when you aren’t making eye contact and then start making eye contact again. When your out in public remember to always keep your neck straight up and looking forward and when you catch yourself looking at your feet immediately straighten that neck out. If you want to get rid of your social anxiety do those things constantly and just say hi or what’s up to random people you come across in public if they make eye contact and everyday it will get easier and easier. Everyone wants to be liked they will like you

  3. Say something along the lines of “hey man, this is how I sound like” and then they’ll talk and then you can be like “wow, it’s crazy we’ve never talked with our voices this whole time”

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