What is something that you thought you’d regret but turned out for the best?

  1. Moving out of my old country, I thought it was a mistake at first, but my QoL improved 9000% after leaving my old god awful country.

  2. Deleting social media accounts.

    Plus recently , not sharing the last piece of the pizza. It was so yummy and i dont even feel sorry . Zero regret, zilch.

  3. I left my first serious relationship it was 7 year long toxic and abusive. I always thought I would regret the time I spent with him more then anything. Now I’m grateful I know I’m better able to understand who I am and what is important to me.

  4. 1. Blocking my ex.
    2. Leaving my job without another in hand bcz i was hugely underpaid but then got another one after one month with 70% hike in ctc

  5. Driving from Vermont to LA in an unregistered vehicle, without a license or any form of ID with barely enough money to pay for gas to make the trip

  6. Meeting a man with creepy pictures off of tinder. Walking around in the forest with him.

    He informed me that he put not great pictures becuase he didn’t want people just after his looks, which was fair, he is gorgeous, we are now together still, lovey dovey, he has a box in the house and just had a meeting with my mom and is trying to hang out with my dad alone. Soooooo.

  7. My divorce from my first marriage. It was difficult but, it made me feel stronger and look at fear in a different light. I learned that being courageous is being fearful – but, to keep on going in spite of being afraid.

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