
Recently I matched with someone on Bumble and she said “Hi” then I complimented her on something and she said thank you with a smiley face.

I’m 25 and she’s around that age and I assume that if 2 adults of that age match there had to be some interest even if it’s just getting to know each other and the best way is in person.

So, I proceeded to ask: Would you like to meet for a drink/coffee sometime?” Then she unmatched a few hours later. I’m familiar with American culture, but I’m not American and in my country things are a little more straightforward idk. Is it bad? If so, how long should I wait to ask? Is there some unspoken rule I should know?

  1. A lot of women like to chat a little first before meeting. I prefer it for a couple of reasons. One reason is that it helps to get a sense of whether or not we have anything to talk about, and if there’s any potential for us to click. Every time I’ve gone on a date with a guy I DIDN’T chat with for a little while first, I’ve wound up on a boring, awkward date with someone I had nothing to talk about to. The other thing is that it helps to weed out weirdos. Weirdos and creeps will often show themselves early if you engage them in conversations. I wouldn’t chat endlessly with someone, but a couple good conversations first is usually the best way to go with most women.

  2. Don’t ask for drinks or coffee immediately. Have some small talk before asking her out

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