I am absolutely in love with a super sweet, driven, caring, emotionally aware man. A rare specimen. So I guess I was living in a fantasy land thinking he jerked off to me (at least most of the time) because he is very into my body and tells me with words and actions. Side note – I was in a previous 9 yr relationship where the guy never opened up about his masturbation habits.

We were looking at Instagram on his phone and when he went to search something a profile came up for a woman with ridiculously large fake tits, lip filler, caked on makeup, tiiiiiny waist. Etc. like the title says, comically large breasts. Is this normal???? What makes men like these kinds of (almost painful looking) titties?

This brought up more conversation about the topic. He used to be “addicted” to porn and stopped watching it for the last year and a half. This was something he did on his own, I didn’t ask him to do it, it started before we met. Now he said he’s been watching porn more regularly again.

Do i need to be concerned about this? I feel like the answer is obviously no but seeing what he’s into really shocked me.

These things have never affected our sex life or relationship. He’s very into me, we have lots of sex, we are really happy.

  1. I personally would say that everything is ok, better even. He feels comfortable and confident enough to let you see the fantasy kinks he has. And that is all they are it seems, fantasy.


    That’s the fun part about fantasy, it can be quite literally anything, insanely large breasts, penises bigger than the body they are attached to and so on. You say this hasn’t affected your sex life or relationship, so perhaps you could share some of your kinks with him too, whatever they may be.

  2. For the social media aspect, it’s very easy to sub/like/follow and just have it pop up again on their feed as fast and easy as anything else. You seem to be focused on this that popped up and that stood out to you, but are there not other things on their feed too?

    > Do I need to be concerned about this?

    Now, what exactly was concerning to you? The porn? The instagram profile pic?

  3. Normal is a setting on a washing machine. There >>IS<< no normal in sex. There is common, there is uncommon. And none of that matters one bit if everyone involved is consenting and enjoying things.

    Masturbation for many people involves fantasy of things they might not be into in real life. I can cite several fantasy items that I’ll seek in porn that I’d never want to actually do. Seeking an utterly unrealistic body type likely falls under that.

    I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

  4. 1) How: that’s what beauty industry works, breach into unconscious (biological mindsets) thoughts of your guy telling him, the bigger tits, the healthier, the tinier waist, the healthier (cuz not overweight = healthy, you got the point). Alternative example for you to understand (I hope), 2m dicks its unnuatural, but somewhy there are people who like it. Biology
    2) No, you shouldn’t, you just let him burn again, it’s fine.

  5. Honestly this is what almost every straight guy is into. Be grateful that he’s looking online at this stuff and not trying to get it in person. The only way you’ll be able to stop him from wanting to watch stuff like this is by getting the work done to yourself. He will enjoy that a lot more too, trust me!

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