She worked with me at this restaurant over the summer. She’s actually the little sister of this guy I’ve been working with for awhile and they’re very close. We would talk a lot during the shift, she would always try to hang around me and keep conversations going. She would blush and smile at me a lot, sometimes even if she was just near me while I was talking to someone else. And she really wanted to hang out with me before leaving for college, so she came over to my place with a friend of hers and hung with me and my roommates. When she saw me last, she waited around when she got off before me to say goodbye and gave me a long hug with her head on my shoulder.

Her body language and the way she acted around me made her definitely seem interested in me, and she added me on multiple social media right after she left. But I’ve been trying to text here and there and it’s not the same. She avoids flirting, can sometimes be dry texting, and I initiate the convo a lot of the time. She’ll always respond if I send her something and usually won’t wait too long either, but i just feel like I built a connection with her before and that maybe something’s been holding her back since. She recently told me she’s moving back to my state soon so I will have a chance to see her more often, but is pursuing her further even worth it?

  1. My HONEST first response is no but not because of her, because of you. Why are you asking us if someone is worth pursuing? If you like her then go for it!

    So my revised response is exactly that. If you like her, go for it. if she’s dry and non flirty in text, try to schedule a face time date with her. See if that spark is still there. Put some effort into it. If you’re not eilljng to do that, or, if the feeling is gone even when actually talking (not texting) then you have your answer.

  2. Sometimes girls are not great texters. I’ve dated a few who use emojis and “!” in just about every text. My current girlfriend barely uses any punctuation or emojis. (even though she’s really smart). It’s all about style. Texting imo is one of the worst ways to communicate. Maybe ask her if she’s up for taking a call and see how over the phone goes, even though it’s a bit old fashioned, it’s so much more personable to hear their voice.

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