Do you put it back in with a finger? Tongue it? Press it down on your plate?

  1. I press the back of the burger with my fingers so that it does not do that.

  2. >Tongue it?

    How you eat burgers is between you and your god, but don’t make the rest of us a party to your perversions.

  3. If it’s out the back, use your pinky fingers to hold it in. If it’s the side, start eating from that side.

  4. Sandwich diaper. Before I eat any sandwich I construct a content securing diaper out of paper napkins. This keeps the sandwich fillings from escaping and also catches any juice runs before they befoul my clothing.

  5. It’s about the grip. You don’t just hold it top and bottom. You should have thumbs and pinkies on the bottom, ring fingers to hold the back in, and the index and middle fingers on top.

  6. Push it back in. No big fuss using your hands, you’re using your hands to start with.

  7. For a big thick burger with lots of toppings, I will cut it in half first and then eat the skinny sides of each half before the middle.

  8. Just go to shake shack where they partially leave the buns connected so anything that attempts to fall out has nowhere to go.

    TL;DR – Turn your burger into a cube rule taco

  9. I usually cut them in half before eating, which makes the sliding apart easier to prevent.

  10. try to push it back w a stray finger, if that doesn’t work, take the top bun off and try again
    Replace & enjoy

  11. I yell at it. Eventually it feels so sad and depressed it hides under the bun again. I’m an American, I don’t need to take that type of attitude!

    You get back in your bun and THINK about what you did, you grade B slab of processed and mechanically separated meat substitute! And you’d better take your friend, the slice of pasteurized, cheese product with you! And I don’t want to see you playing with the too green tomato or orangy-moldy looking lettuce!

    Sometimes you have to set strong limits.

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