Positive vibes only.

Share something about your marriage that makes you happy, or your favorite thing about your spouse. Tell me how you met, or about your wedding day. Share a day in your marriage that made you blissfully happy.

What makes you smile about your marriage?

  1. People always seem to like our “how we first met” story…

    By making a sarcastic comment in a computer lab in college. This year will be 27 years married, 2 kids, youngest in college now.

    First, this was back before everyone had laptops. Most families barely had computers at all. So, at college, they had computer labs for the students. I was in one working on a programming project. A friend was the student admin running the check in desk. My wife (well, future wife, but easier for me to say wife after this) was sitting at another computer working on a paper. At this school, there was a reference library in the building. Problem was, you couldn’t remove any books so my wife had to keep saving her work, heading to the library to get more information for her paper, then come back with notes and keep working. After about the third or fourth time she did this, I turned to my friend and sarcastically said “Boy, she sure does get up and down a lot” and laughed. Without missing a beat, she turned to me and said “If you want to keep track of whether I go up or down, you need to marry me first.” She then turned and walked out of the room.

    No, I did not immediately take it as “challenge accepted”. No, I wasn’t anticipating the response. No, I didn’t follow up with any other comments. She came back a few minutes later and kept working on her paper. I kept working on my project. Unbeknownst to me, she was friends with my friend too as they had taken a couple electives together. She packed up and left a bit later and said goodbye to my friend so that was my clue that he knew her. Didn’t act on it though because I was young and stupid.

    My friend and I were part of a small group that hung out together. My friend invited my wife to join us a couple times and I was smitten. Again, young and stupid so I didn’t really do anything about it other than be nice. I’d give her rides home and to work (she lived with her parents, worked at the local mall), I’d pay extra attention to her at gatherings, that sort of thing. After a couple of months, we started doing things as just the two of us, but didn’t really make it official until we’d been out for dinner and an evening drive. We had parked to talk for a while and eventually kissed. After the kiss, we sort of looked at each other and said “I guess we need to make it official, huh?”.

    We moved in together after about a year. Dated for about 3 years before I proposed. Engaged for another 3 years or so before we got married. We both worked full time jobs for a couple years before we decided to start a family. She got pregnant and at around 7 months, her employer got bought out so she just stayed home. She’s been a stay at home mom ever since.

    She’s my partner, my best friend, my confidant, and my whole life. And none of that would have happened if I hadn’t made a sarcastic comment in a computer lab.

  2. My wife has a beautiful singing voice, it just blows me away. When she’s happy she’ll make up little songs for us, or songs for our little dog. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

  3. Today when my wife gets home we’re going to be having a baking night together. I love that we both enjoy being together in the kitchen and we can chat away while we cook or bake.

    I’m so very grateful to be her wife, all our days together feel like a dream come true. She’s my knight in not so shiny armor and I’m so very fortunate she rescued me.

  4. He’s got such a good sense of humor — so so witty and *so* quick. He makes me laugh every single day!

  5. My husband can read my emotions so well, and is great at offering whatever type of support I need. ❤️ He also makes me laugh even when I don’t want to, and his actions always match his words.

  6. This is what love truly is. My wife of 38+ years, sat beside me in the hospital room after they took my kidney due to cancer. For the next few weeks, she helped me shower, patted me dry, slipped my underwear and shorts on because I could not. She took care of me at a time I was practically helpless. It was humbling and made me really appreciate her in ways I had not and realize I had probably taken her for granted.

    Never once did she complain. Her entire summer vacation was lost to treating a 57 year old man, like a toddler. She encouraged me to walk and move past the trauma. Facing potential disability or death, she became more than I ever imagined. In my weakness, I was awed by her strength. I am healed now, more than just physically. I would step in front of a bullet for her. More than being willing to die for her, I am even more committed to live for her.

  7. My husband and I met at a local state park that has an observatory. Quite fitting for two people who have been astronomy geeks since they were kids! We have our own telescope and many of our weekend nights are spent hunting down nebula, planets or crater hopping the moon. We find it relaxing and a great way to unplug for awhile.

  8. The day our son was born. My husband was the best nurse/doula there could have been for me. He was amazing. And when our son was born I couldn’t stop staring at both of them, so unbelievably happy this beautiful baby was ours and we made him and brought him earthside together.

    I knew he was a good dad because he had a (then) 9 year old I’d seen him care for since I met them (he was 4). But he never experienced labor (planned C with his first) and the way he handled every second of those 13 hours with me was perfect. Our baby is 2 now and the coolest kid, and my hubby is still an awesome dad that our son adores. I love him so much. 😍

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