Why is candy corn so hated? what does it taste like?

  1. It’s got a sort of waxy consistency, with an overly sweet taste. I don’t mind it, but you can’t really eat that much of it at a time without feeling gross.

  2. It tastes like sweet wax. It doesn’t really have a lot of flavor other than sweet. I love candy corn (although not as much as a former boss who told me she buys bags of it at Halloween and keeps it in the freezer to eat year round) but it’s definitely polarizing.

  3. It’s extremely sweet, basically just food coloring and pure sugar. I think what puts a lot of people off is the texture, which is very waxy and can leave you with an unpleasant sensation in your mouth.

  4. I like candy corn, the texture is weird but it works for me for some reason. It doesn’t have much of a taste beyond “sweet”

  5. Counterpoint: I like it.

    Kind of a sweetened buttery brown sugar flavor, but in fairness there are notes of candle wax in there.

  6. So… Good candy corn tastes like honey but just a bit sweeter. That’s the primary flavor. And it has a kind of chewy texture with a waxy outer surface.

    The kind most people complain about is the cheap shit that just tastes like chalky sugar.

    Personally I think the hate it gets is exaggerated. I like it. It’s very sweet so you can’t eat a lot of it. But I’ll have some occasionally.

  7. I like it. It has a somewhat waxy/crumbly texture and tastes like vanilla and honey. As with anything else, not all candy corn is the same. There’s bad chocolate out there too.

  8. It’s hard to describe. Just very sweet, starchy, and bland. Like necco wafers, it only appeals to hardcore sugar addicts.

  9. I think I’m probably the only person who likes candy corn. It’s just sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla (probably also other things I can’t spell or pronounce). It tastes like vanilla.

  10. I see why people don’t like it (I enjoy it though) however the hate for it has been blown out of proportion. It became a meme to hate on candy corn like it did with pineapple and pizza. People follow whatever the most recent thing to hate on is

  11. It’s super sweet and has a kind of honey/burnt sugar taste to it.

    I frankly think people hate it because it’s often generic (unbranded). When you are a kid and go trick or treating the most sought after candies are full-sized brand name chocolate things (Snickers, Reese’s cups, Twix). Then would come then the mini chocolate bars, then the weird generic spooky shaped foil wrapped wax chocolate, then candy corn and any kind of weird non-Tootsie pop.

    I think the fact that candy corn are not a recognizable brand with advertising etc. make them so low on the candy meter.

  12. Big fan of the Brach’s brand candy corn, especially the autumn mix bags. They have the best taste and texture – sugar & honey flavor (a little bit of chocolate on the chocolate candy corn), firm but not waxy. Some of the candy corn brands just taste stale. The texture gets hard and waxy and weird.

  13. people either love it or hate it no in between (I love it), but it’s supposed to be a honey, vanilla, and butter flavored candy usually sold around the time of Halloween and Fall

  14. Like very sugary honey with a squishy, waxy texture.

    And it’s not that hated. Maybe it’s just another Reddit thing, but for something that’s supposedly so maligned, people sure buy enough of it.

    I like it personally.

  15. Candy corn and salted peanuts are a fall guilty pleasure in our house. Some people add raisins or M&Ms also.

  16. It tastes delicious. Though too much can get a bit much if you have too much in one sitting

  17. I don’t know why some people hate candy corn, but I suspect these miscreants also hate puppies, rainbows, the laughter of a child, etc. Just a sad way to be.

  18. No idea, I like it personally. It’s made with honey, so maybe that’s why the taste is different. People are used to everything being made with just corn syrup for sweetener.

  19. My mom just bought some freshly made candy corn at a farmers market, and it was actually pretty good! Texture is way different than what you buy packaged in a store.

  20. I like it but like sweeter waxier honey. Not on the bees wax kind of wax more in the like wax bottles kind of wax

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