I’m not sure if it’s the fact that all the guys I’ve slept with just aren’t good enough or if it’s just me, but I’ve never reached orgasm from intercourse. Though I orgasm all the time from masturbation (clitoral stimulation). I even have a fuck buddy, he’s great but he’s never once made me cum. Should I continue seeing him if he’s not making me cum?

  1. Many- perhaps even most- women can’t orgasm only from penetration. It’s not your partner’s fault. Figure out how to incorporate clitoral stimulation into your sexual encounters.

  2. Are you communicating what you need in order to orgasm? Are they following your advice?

    If you are not communicating with them, then changing partners is unlikely to work. Likewise, if you are communicating and they are following your advice, then switching partners likely won’t work.

    But … if they are ignoring your guidance, then that might indicate it is time for a change.

  3. Plenty of women can’t climax from penetrative sex alone, but if you don’t have much experience, it’s also possible that you just haven’t gotten there yet.

  4. It’s not unusual for women not to orgasm from sex. I personally have been with women who have and who haven’t. Just like if you’re on some medications, that also can make things difficult. What you could always try is have you or your partner put a toy on your clit during sex, that way you both can enjoy it. Sometimes when I was done but my ex wanted to get off again, I’d stay inside of her while she had kept her toy going. It never took long and sometimes led to another round.

  5. Something like 80% of women can’t cum from penetration alone. You either need to stimulate your clit during sex or direct your partner to. Sex and orgasms are a team sport. Participate.

  6. Honestly , it may just be a communication issue. When me and my partner are doing Yk, we talk a lot to each other and let us know and direct each other on what feels best. Maybe communication needs to be worked on?

  7. Most women cannot orgasm from penetration alone.

    It’s not you. It’s not them. It is just how most female bodies are wired.

    Now, if your partner is not providing you with the orgasm(s) you desire, by other means, that is a whole other question.

  8. Most women never do, because we get there from our clitoris.

    Try coming from oral first, then go on to intercourse. This is a common sequence a lot of people use.

  9. Plenty of women just don’t orgasm from penetration alone, but if you’d like to try I’d suggest doing it alone first, that way you can better direct your partners to know how to get you there too.

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