I haven’t watched episode in full but I’ve seen pictures and I have a lot of feelings.

  1. From some posts I’ve seen s’mores are thing in the UK witch make’s it more weird

  2. I was originally like “That’s not how smores look” and thought it was going to be Mexican week 2.0

    After giving it some thought, I suppose if you wanted to dress up smores and make it a baking challenge, this is how you’d do it. The authentic way to make them (store bought Graham cracker, hersheys milk chocolate, store bough marshmallows) doesn’t really make for an expression of confectionary skill.

  3. First they embarrassed themselves with Mexican food (and very cringe “jokes”) and now they are embarrassing themselves with American food.

    Or as as someone on Twitter said, they found a way to gentrify s’mores.

  4. I didn’t realize that show had its own acronym lol. I’ve never watched it, I find shows like that boring.

  5. It was an upscale version you’d get from a restaurant, not the homemade kind made over a campfire or the remaining charcoal after grilling. Just like pretty much everything else in the show.

    But after so many seasons they’ve gotta be running out of ideas of things to bake if they’re going for smores and tacos this season. On a *baking* show. I guess you can only do cakes and fancy French treats so many times.

  6. They aren’t s’mores – a s’more is a graham cracker, half a Hershey bar, and an almost stale store bought marshmallow roasted on an actual fire topped with another graham cracker. The ones on GBBO were an abomination.

  7. I looked at pics just now – they definitely did not aim for authenticity, but I’m not outraged by it. It’s a baking competition, after all. They gotta show off techniques and shit.

  8. I thought it was funny how s’mores must be an exotic thing in Great Britain. They are so exotic that they had to substitute one of the three ingredients!

  9. They were pretty terrible. A smore with an untoasted marshmallow is just pointless. You gotta get it really hot so the chocolate melts. I mostly feel sad for everyone involved.

  10. They did it wrong. S’mores aren’t supposed to be fancy and clean. They’re supposed to be messy. Not surprised that British people got it wrong.

  11. I love GBBO. I’ve seen every episode. I bake for fun.

    Those smores were an abomination. I have very intense feelings about how bad they were and how they miss the point. And how that wasn’t really a baking challenge.

    The whole point of smores is a marshmallow charred to your own personal taste, gooey chocolate and graham crackers. It should bring back memories of childhood and bonfires and campfires. It’s not supposed to be gourmet. It’s the opposite of gourmet.

    I will say that I think this season the GBBO may have jumped the shark. The show no longer seems focused on good home bakers upping their game and baking. Now it seems to be about finding “characters” and gimmicky bakes.

    The Mexican themed show was a real low point in my book. This was almost as bad.

  12. I’m sure they tasted great, particularly because the marshmallows were homemade, but they didn’t really feel like s’mores from the US. I know the point of GBBO is to put the bakers’ skills on full display, but the s’more is such a rough and ready treat, it didn’t really do much for me as a technical challenge.

  13. An abomination. Not that I care because smores gross me out since I got sick after eating some when I was 7.

  14. I don’t care at all about s’mores, but I’m still mad about the pie thing (and pizza), so if we’re forming a mob I’ve got my pitchfork ready.

  15. It was not really a s’more, but I get what they were doing. It was asking them to demonstrate multiple skills and combine them into a polished product. It was a good test of their skills. Maybe they shouldn’t have called it a s’more.

  16. I don’t understand why making genuine graham crackers wasn’t part of the challenge. A non-toasted marshmallow on a digestive biscuit is NOT a s’more.

    I could have gotten behind homemade graham crackers, homemade marshmallow, and some kind of molded chocolate if that were the challenge. Like, infuse your chocolate with chili or ginger or something and then cool it into disks for use in a s’more?

    And they’ve done plenty of challenges over flame before with the small portable hibachi grills or something like that. Grilling a marshmallow to the right consistency w/out burning it would also be part of a good challenge.

    But what they made was just sad and pitiful and not a s’more.

  17. Eh, if they enjoyed the food they made and it’s not really what we would call a “s’more,” I’m not too het up about it. It’s not like they’re making my s’mores less delicious!

    Plus, I’m not sure British diners would even enjoy an American s’more due to the presence of butyric acid in Hershey bars. Like many kinds of fermentation, it’s an acquired taste and a lot of British people missed that critical window of childhood food acceptance so that it doesn’t taste like barf to them.

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