This may sound silly, but I haven’t really been in this situation before. Basically, I’ve been seeing this girl for a bit under 4 weeks, and my birthday is coming up next week. I personally don’t care whether or not she knows/does anything for it, but would it be weird to not mention it or would it be equally weird to start talking about it even though I don’t really have anything planned?

  1. I don’t mention my birthday unless it comes in conversation or there’s a real reason to. I’ve never randomly said “it’s my birthday next week” and if that means my bday comes and someone doesn’t know, then no biggie

  2. Everyone has a birthday it’s not some weird secret you have to hide. Don’t overthink it

  3. If you like her then casually drop it into conversation. Otherwise you’re destined to have a “why didn’t you tell me” conversation when she finds out. If you’re not exclusive, or only seen each other a few times then I wouldn’t say unless she asks.

  4. Tell her after the fact, if you’re still taking.

    “How was your weekend?”

    “It was my birthday, so my friends and I got a kilo of blow, three hookers, and spent the night in a seedy motel 6! It was awesome!”

  5. I don’t care about my birthdays, so i wouldn’t say. You obviously care (else this wouldn’t be an issue), so you should tell.

  6. Maybe you should plan something. “Can I take you out to eat on my birthday next week?” or something like that.

  7. Take her out to dinner without telling her and then secretly tell the waitress it’s her birthday for a dessert. And then after they bring out the dessert with a birthday candle or some junk tell her it’s really your birthday and you wanted all the perks without the attention so you really appreciate her taking one for the team.

  8. What if you asked her if she wanted to go out with you on your birthday. That way you can bring it up and have plans with her.
    I know if I was seeing a guy I’d feel horrible for not knowing and it passing or finding it out the day of or before. I’d feel so guilty.

    Plus then you can ask when hers is.

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