Recently I get a feeling that this sub is turning more and more into something like the /sex branch of AskReddit. I have come across questions on here like: “What are your kinks?” or “What did you like but actually hated or hated but actually liked?” or “Should I do/not do this?”

People, this is not a forum for questions like that. This is a forum for asking the community about issues that you encounter in YOUR OWN sex lives and are stuck with, so you want to ask someone who has gone through something similar.

This is a large forum with close to 2 MILLION members. Please respect that.

  1. Yep, The rules here specifically forbid those posts. But people don’t care.

    Report the rule breaking posts. The automod will kill them after enough reports, and the human mods will ban as their schedules allow.

  2. > this sub is turning more and more

    The only difference between now and ~10+ years ago since I joined reddit is averages of topics brought up.

    There is the report button. And there’s only so much mods can do.

  3. I’m torn between removing posts that break the rules like this one or allowing people to downvote and report posts that break the rules.

  4. I find that a lot of the questions that *are* good get locked rather early, so they end up sailing off the front page and the repetitive bad questions are the only ones that survive.

    There is probably a role in letting good threads last a little longer than they do instead of saying “question answered” and then locking it.

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