Specifically strategies that will make it apt. And to elaborate, Would you want her to know you first (as a friend or mutual friend) or are you comfortable with a stranger woman (in settings like bars, your customers at work, shops and cafes, etc.?)

If you think the receptivity for women who are considered attractive to many and women who are considered attractive only to some will differ, please feel free to elaborate.

  1. If we’re friends, then I’d prefer she sits me down and straight up asks me out. If she’s someone I interact with in a professional manner, then she can offer me her number to contact me off work hours, and the more teasing and direct the offer is, the better.

  2. I’m taken so I’m not going to be interested but as long as I’m not actively engaged in something that needs my full attention I’m not going to be uncomfortable or mad about it.

    There are exceptions but most guys don’t experience it much so it’s not like for traditionally attractive women where it becomes a regular chore to deal with. It’s a very active compliment even if you’re not into her.

  3. If we’re obviously into each other, don’t make the first move. Let me chase you a lil bit.

  4. I don’t think the attractiveness matters that much in this matter. I believe it should be a while after knowing each other (at least a few weeks) and I believe a straightforward way is best. Men don’t usually like beating around the bush

  5. The bar and the grocery store are very different things.

    At a bar, a woman knows she will be approached. Eye contact and a smile is all a woman has to do. He’ll make a move on that if he’s interested.

    At the grocery store, a woman probably hopes she is left alone to do her shopping. We know this. A normal guy won’t approach you there. You have to approach him.

  6. She literally said, “you should ask me out sometime.” It worked, we’ve been together for 18 years.

  7. I don’t care how it’s done personally just do it.

    Initiate something, anything, don’t rely on stupid hints. Show me you desire me in the same way you want a man to show he desires you.

    In this day and age, I refuse to decipher or go on “hints”.

  8. Man, well this is so confusing for me. Should I strike up a conversation first before I just flat out give a guy my number? Because I’ve given my number and wrote in the DMs making the first move. Not really successful so now I don’t and all I’m left with it’s exchanged eye contact. That’s it. Guys don’t approach me at all 😪 I also live in LA..sooo..

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