I am not looking for scientific research plz, only things which have worked for you guys

  1. A conscious effort to do it every day, several times a day, until you find yourself doing it without thinking about it

  2. I start scheduling the activity I want to make a habit. After a while, it becomes habit.

  3. Set alarms to remind me to do a certain task. Want to read a book? set an alarm before bed, want to work out? set an alarm in the morning, want to eat healthy? set an alarm giving you enough time to make dinner etc.

  4. Block a time out everyday to do it.

    If you don’t block out a time, you’re just gonna kick the can down the road until it’s too late and you say maybe tomorrow.

  5. Repetition. I was told if you do the same thing at the same time 23 days in a row it’ll become a habit.

  6. Going to the gym.

    The hardest part is getting there. I tell myself that even if I just go for 20 minutes and do it shit job, it’s worth it. And it’s better than not going at all.

    I usually stay for much longer.

  7. Think of chaining habits. If you do one habit, you end up doing the next, and the next, and the next. Think of this as chain groups.

    We all have these. Wake up => Pee => Make breakfast => Sit and read Reddit for two hours => Feel like a failure.

    Find somewhere in the habit chain where things go wrong, and make positive changes. Wake up => Pee => Make breakfast => Eat outside without internet => Exercise => Shower => ect..

  8. Writing shit down. If i keep a log of my performance, especially when I don’t deliver, I have a psychological onus to keep at it.

  9. Willpower fueled purely by self-hatred and desire to be valuable. Worked for the gym.

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