For context, we have been together for almost two years, and I’m currently 6 months pregnant with our first child. I moved in last fall.
I’ll be calling my partner H for short.
(This will be a long post but there’s a TLDR at the end)
It started last summer before I moved in. He was still in school, but working 40hrs a week, and getting paid 16 an hour. He only got this awesome job because his older brother had worked at the establishment for years and was basically 2nd in command. Despite it already being a really good gig, with plenty of pay and hours, H started stealing and reselling tons of merchandise. Not just one or two things, he made 8 grand in a couple of months off of what he was stealing. After a couple of months of doing that, his brother caught him and he was fired from the job and had to return whatever he had left, but was never charged.
Next, he started skipping school. A lot. He could have easily been a straight-A student and graduated in January of 2022, but skipped the work and classes too much. So instead, he had all F’s and dropped out a month before he was supposed to graduate.
Not only that, but he decided to smoke weed before going to class one day (it’s legal in our state but only if you’re 21). He got a MIP and his punishment was 40hrs of community service.
All of these things happened in late 2021 and early 2022. After all of these things, he got another job, and kept it for a month but kept calling off and leaving “sick”, before eventually quitting and telling his family he was fired.
Then, he got another job and kept it for a bit longer. About five months. This job paid less, but he worked alone and it was super slow most days, so he had a lot of free time to just play on his phone. This job was also a 2.5-minute walk from our house, so I visited often and would bring him dinner most days. At some point, there was a change in management, and he started getting way fewer hours. From 35 or 40 to 26 or 28 a week. He kept apologizing to me because he wanted to make more money and work more hours for me and the baby, but instead of just getting a new job, he decided he’d quit. But his way of quitting was closing the store four hours before it was supposed to be closed and then not showing up to work for the next three days. So he was actually fired.
He didn’t work for four months after that. Just played video games, hung out with his friends, and smoked pot. I paid both of our shares in rent and kept working 40hrs a week, with him not even trying.
After months of all of his family and I asking him to apply to places, he finally got a job this month. It doesn’t pay well, and there are even fewer hours than he was getting at his last job, but it’s better than nothing.
He still complains about being tired, about how shitty his coworkers are, how shitty the food is that they sell, and how he isn’t getting good hours. He keeps jokingly asking me if he can just call in sick for the day to spend time with me. Then today, he was scheduled for a four-hour shift. Barely anything at all. So he went in, worked two hours, and then came home. He said he was sent home because it was slow with too many employees, but then his coworker texted me asking where he was. Apparently, he asked if he could go home for a minute to check on his pregnant girlfriend, and just decided to stay home.
He also promised me back in June that he’d stop smoking weed at some point, to save money for the baby, and also just because he wanted to for both of us. He said he’d stop Sept 1st, and by Sept 3rd he came home with red eyes and reeking of it. He kept promising and kept coming home stoned anyways. It didn’t matter how mad I got, or if I cried, he just kept doing the same thing. So the last time he promised, I told him I’d break up with him if he was lying. He said okay. Nine days later, I asked him if he’d kept his promise, and he happily says yes of course. I told him that after 30 days I was going to drug test him and that if he was lying I will still dump him. Then he immediately gives in and goes “Well to be honest….” And claims he didn’t smoke at all in those nine days but just so happened to on that exact day. He bawled his eyes out and said sorry a million times, and begged me to stay. Two days later, he says he’s gonna “hang out with a couple of buddies”. The two buddies that he only hung out with to smoke. I asked if he was going to and he goes, “no, no. Well I don’t know. Maybe.”. I was angry and said he obviously didn’t give a fuck what I want or what he had promised, and he obviously was never sorry or he wouldn’t still be promising the same thing only to break it over and over. He cried and cried again, and then told me that if I left him he wouldn’t even try to live. TW; SI/S tendencies. >!He then told me he purposely sat in his brother’s car with it running, because the car has an exhaust leak problem, and he hoped he’d pass out and just die because he didn’t want to live without me.!<

Boyfriend hasn’t kept a job for more than 5 months. Keeps breaking his promise that he will quit weed. Skipped community service & almost got arrested, but got off easy & they let it go. He just generally doesn’t care how his actions affect all of us, & gets depressed/cries when I get angry over it. I love him, but this is all stressing me out so much, I feel like I could just lose my mind.

  1. He doesn’t care about you or the baby if he isn’t trying to quit smoking weed or get (and stick with) a job.

    Don’t let him guilt trip you into staying with him. You shouldn’t stay witht someone becuase you think their mental health will get worse, that’s an unfair burden on you and the stress won’t be good for the baby.

    (even if i’s true which is unlikely, he’s just trying to froce you to stay)

  2. He keeps getting away with everything. No consequences. No job=you paid rent both shares. I would move out.

  3. This guy has proven over and over he’s going to do what he wants and damn the consequences and when you try and set boundaries he does a mega emotional manipulation move.

    This isn’t healthy and you see it. Its time to leave lovey, and find yourself a man and not a boy.

  4. He’s a bum, a thief and a liar. All of us only get one chance at life — one. That’s it. How much of your one life are you going to throw away on this guy?

    As much as he sucks, though, he’s not the real problem. This is:

    >I love him

    The guy you’ve described here is someone most people would cross the street just to spit on. He appears to have done nothing for you but get you pregnant. He lies, mooches off you, undoubtedly has more of a criminal record than you know, and smokes dope and plays video games all day. A real Prince Charming. You’ve got some work to do to figure out why “I love him” is even in your vocabulary, let alone as a reason to stay with him.

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