When ending a toxic friendship, how did they gaslight you (or try to)?

  1. Denied everything they’d ever said where it made them out to be the hypocrite they were

  2. In addition to years of it building up for me, I was in the midst of mental health struggles. When I finally had the talk with them, they covertly victim blamed me.

    The most comical part of it was they were in grad school to be a school counselor, and they started THERAPYING ME during the convo as if I’ve never gone to therapy and wouldn’t know what they were doing! 😂 My therapist doesn’t even say the counselor bs they said!!

  3. She was a pathological liar to begin with so she couldn’t lie about anything she hadn’t before. She tried to say I owed her money that I already paid back. Not to my face but to other people.

    But she’s in jail now so

  4. said “I’m sorry you felt that way” and then when I wouldn’t accept that apology immediately vented to another friend that I only ended the friendship because “I had no confidence in myself”. Later on also posted on her story a podcast which talked about “accepting other people’s views” alluding to the reason I ended our friendship (Her views changed every other conversation we had. They were just whatever contradicted mine at the time).

  5. Tried telling me that I was lying about my mental health to get his attention. It was super fucked up.

  6. she told me, when we broke our friendship at 30, that people from school (when we were 15) were talking about me behind my back anyways and she was the only one that supported me then.. Wow, who cares about this info out of the blue 15 years later..?

  7. Indirect aggression. She would say or do something very hurtful , and then claimed she never intended to hurt me, so I essentially had no reason to be upset at all.

  8. She lied about everything, denied ever being toxic and turned most of my friends against me. She then tried using her sisters death against me.

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