Hey everyone. I (33M) am a few months post break up and am thinking of putting myself out there a bit once more, so I would like to refresh the ol’ profile. Any advice or suggestions on photos or prompts would be appreciated.

[Link to profile](https://imgur.com/a/QF6hEvD)

Thanks in advance.

Edit: thank you all for the feedback. Not sure if there’s a good way to post an update, so an added edit it is. I swapped some photos out and tried to be more specific (and positive) on my prompts. Unfortunately I do keep my head covered a lot either for warmth or sun protection since I keep my head shaved ha. Anyways [here’s the new profile](https://imgur.com/a/uJp1X24)

  1. Get a first photo without the hat or sunglasses. Preferably no sunglasses in any pictures.

    Not sure how to describe this, but all of your prompts and captions have a bit of a negative, downbeat vibe to them? Not sure if there’s a fix, if that’s your personality I don’t recommend a fake positive persona, but you will turn off some people in your pool.

  2. You’re either wearing a hat or sunglasses in every picture. That’s going to keep a lot of women from messaging you. Many are going to assume you’re lying about your age because you look like 3 different people in them.

    Your bio is also as generic as possible. You like…art and music and going out for a run. Your bio is a chance to showcase the best of you and it feels like you put about as much effort into it as I did into making toast this morning….and I didn’t even butter it.

    You’re a good looking dude. Lean into it. Retake the photos sans hat/glasses.

    Spruce up the bio a bit. More about unique experiences like almost getting trapped in Europe.

  3. I blame Hinge (and the other apps) more than anything but but unfortunately your profile, other than the photos all including hats which is an issue, is very shallow. I get a sense of things you like but you don’t really dig into who YOU are and what makes you stand out as a person

    I usually recommend people take one prompt and show vulnerability. You can use something you like as a jumping off point but talk more as to WHY you like the thing. Get vulnerable and polarizing. Tell us what you’re passionate about and in doing so yeah, you’ll scare some people off, but those are incompatible people anyway

  4. Remove the my modeling career prompt. There has to be a better way to showcase something about yourself.

  5. My shameful secret is that while I read profiles, I don’t spend a lot of time analyzing them or looking for depth before swiping. My overall impression of your appearance and personality as you present them on this app would make me swipe right.

  6. I think you are cute as hell and would 100% swipe right. I don’t give a shit about sunglasses or hats. They look great. I do think your first photos is the least flattering? Your smile isn’t quite to your eyes. And your prompt about movies and art is WAY too vague. Name a movie, or an artist, or anything!!

  7. You are attractive and your photos are good. I think people can get a good sense of what your vibe is like. No-one who finds you attractive would swipe left because of anything in your profile, and that’s the most important thing.

  8. I would list your wealth goals and how you will achieve them. There’s nothing more attractive to the opposite sex than a profile that details backdoor IRA’s and scheduled Treasury bill purchases.

  9. Put a pic of you without sunglasses or hat as a first pic – otherwise it’s a bit of a surprise..

    Be more specific about what you like! What sort of art, music, running routes? It’s so generic it’s hard to get a feel for what you’re actually like.

  10. I really liked your original first photo more than the one you have now. I read someone said to ditch the hat, but I really don’t see the problem. That first photo is about your vibe. The original one brought a sense of your atmosphere. The new one kinda says adopt me. lol.

  11. I think your new profile says who you are and what you are into, which is great. I’d suggest add a little about what you are looking for.

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