If you were selected for a hunger games style battle royale, how would you survive?

  1. I won’t, I’d purposely kill myself in the least painful way possible to I don’t have to suffer either by fear or pain

  2. All players would recognize the real enemy.

    Common sense would prevail.

    We would organize and take out the game organizers, or we would die trying.

    It this both the morally *right* course of action, and the best chance for survival.

  3. Wouldn’t. Would dedicate my life to somebody who’s the least asshole and help them till someone finishes me.

  4. I’m waaaay too old for that shit. If I somehow got forced into it, I’d try to break the game and get out like Katniss did toward the end.

  5. Hide and try to get the others to kill themselves by accident like with berries

  6. I would ask my sponsors for a water bottle to prepare for the boy from district 4.

  7. I would not guarantee my survival. I would fight and see what happens. Make alliances with stipulations on when we turn on each other. I’d do my best.

  8. The same way I survive every day
    Be as lame and stupid as possible so the others won’t see you as a menace and be ashamed of even trying to kill you and then do the gentleman’s kill …a stab on the back

  9. I would do my best to take out the biggest baddest looking person first to convey a lack of fear and hopefully a psychological attack that plants a seed of doubt and fear in the rest of the participants. Then I’d go and wait somewhere in hiding and do some light cardio as the other participants dwindled themselves down to whatever was left and hope that my tactics (trying to instill fear, not wearing myself out running and fighting, etc) worked and I could emerge victorious. This is under the assumption that we have reached a point where society finds such barbaric things entertaining again and we as forced participants knew that if we failed to perform there was no survival.

    Also, I’d probably never make it past trying to take on the biggest baddest looking dude as I’d most likely just get my face crushed, but in a hypothetical scenario there is always a chance for outliers.

  10. Find the young female protagonist and make her fall in love with me. Then after she “wins” and probably saves my life doing it, I snap her neck and win the money. Was there money involved in the Hunter Games? I’ve never watched it. I hope there’s money involved.

  11. Lay low and let everyone else kill each other. Then when there was 1 other left, badly injured, I’d ambush for the win.

  12. If life taught me something, it’s that you can sleep through adversity.
    So, imma make myself a cozy hole and try to sleep through this. Hopefully I die a quick death or it works out.

  13. I would spell out “SEND NUDES” with rocks in huge letters where the cameras could see them. Just for the lulz.

    Seriously though, I’m not very strong or fast, but I’m a fairly clever boy and a decent builder of improvised simple machines. My best bet would be to head to the edge of the enclosure where I’m least likely to be spotted quickly, hide during the day and spend my nights making booby traps, personal camouflage, and maybe a simple war club, as best I could. When I spot someone, try to lead them into the booby traps.

    Realistically, I would not recommend betting on me.

  14. I probably wouldn’t.

    Odds are a group would target me for being tall and looking fit enough, but I wouldn’t survive because I’m a couch potato.

    I can’t outrun shit, I could maybe hold my own against most untrained people in a fight, but anyone with a hint of experience would kick my ass.

    As a kid though I was always good at hiding, so I’d probably just set up ambushes/traps and maybe teaming with someone and hopefully not getting my throat cut at night.

  15. Smart, swift engagements. Stay quiet. Only strike when necessary and certain you can make a kill. Never put yourself into a vulnerable situation unless it is absolutely imperative for your survival. Brutes and brawlers don’t win a war of attrition. They will either end up being injured, killed, or run out of supplies.

  16. I wouldn’t, I have never trained in any sort of martial art or melee combat in my life and to top it all off I’m 5’7″ and 150 pounds. Without a gun I’d lose, and I’m sure even with a gun I’d lose if it meant everyone else had one too.

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