What’s your biggest worry about being online?

  1. ⚠️⚠️TW⚠️⚠️Being groomed again. It’s happened multiple times with it first happening when I was around 11 on game of war: fire age. That app is a playground for bad men.

  2. That someone will harass me and I can really do little to stop it other than just get offline, which would suck cause I’ve kinda found my community here

  3. That one day I’ll mess up and accidentally post something personal somewhere that I’m not anonymous.

  4. I don’t know what’s right. I’m only making myself feel better. It helps me distract…

  5. Saying something that pisses off the wrong person and getting doxxed and harassed.

  6. I’ve been threatened to get raped before. I’ve kept it to myself for about a year. When I spoke about it to, what seemed like, my friends I’ve been accused of lying. Even after the guy low-key admitted he did say what he said. I’ve been portrayed as manipulative liar. His friends harassed me online for a while. It stopped after a while, but I still get anxious getting notifications from certain apps.

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