Do you care about World Cup and are you planning to watch it and support US national team? I am asking because I know that soccer isn’t exactly the most popular sport in the country.

  1. Some care, some don’t. It may not be the most popular sport in the country but it does have fans.

  2. I care about the human trafficking and indentured servitude being used to make it happen, but could not care any less about the sporting event itself.

  3. I won’t watch it. I’m not a soccer fan but I do try to watch some World Cup matches. I won’t this time around because I don’t like Qatar.

  4. I zero desire to support the human right violations that are being committed

    It’s shameful imo that more nations have not spoken out against it. But I’m not shocked. The Olympics are proof enough the world doesn’t care about human rights violations and shit behavior of governments if it means the $ from the sporting events will be impacted by boycotting/speaking out

  5. I wish it wasn’t in Qatar. But I’m pretty excited to watch it. I feel as though we have a good shot at getting out of our group.

  6. I enjoyed playing soccer while growing up, but find it dreadfully boring to watch. The human rights issue is just an add on to the reasons why I’m not interested.

  7. Normally my dad and I watch it together. I’m not thrilled that it is on Qatar and have no plans to watch. I’ll still follow my teams and if i happen to be somewhere and a game is on, I’ll probably watch it.

  8. If it weren’t for Reddit, I’d have no idea it was even happening. I only learned this year that it’s not even a yearly thing.

    The sum total of my exposure to Fifa was seeing the games on the shelf at GameStop as a kid. I got hockey, college football, and baseball to worry about.

  9. I do care about the World Cup and I will support the US national team.

    While soccer isn’t wildly popular here like it is other places, there’s still a significant amount of soccer fans. Just because I like hockey, football and baseball better doesn’t mean that I don’t like soccer.

    I do however don’t like that it’s being by Qatar with their human rights violations to build the stadium.

  10. Soccer fans are excited but have low expectations and are mostly just happy that they’re back in the World Cup after the disaster in Trinidad in 2017.

    What happens every time the US makes the World Cup and inevitably loses is a deluge of people who don’t know a thing about soccer claim that the womens team can beat the mens team because they’re champions and the men are not.

    Americans are used to watching Americans winning in international competitions (prime time Olympic coverage simply ignores events that Americans are poor at), so when an ok but not great team like the USMNT meets its limit, many people (namely feminists and boomers) cannot mentally process it without assigning personality faults to the players.

    Having to compete with Football and basketball will definitely tamp down the excitement this time unless the USMNT advances far, which they won’t.

  11. I’m going to watch. I love soccer and hope our national team does well, especially against England.

    I don’t like how corrupt FIFA is in picking world cup destinations. But I’m still going to watch

  12. No, specifically because of Qatar. I usually follow the World Cup closely (including after the USMNT gets eliminated) but I can’t do it this year.

  13. USA vs England the day after Thanksgiving with the day off??

    Probably the most excited I’ve ever been for something sports related

  14. I don’t usually care very much about soccer, but I do enjoy watching the World Cup and I hope the US does well.

  15. I personally feel that it is an absolute joke that Qatar is hosting the World Cup. The human rights violations of the country, including several that happened during construction of the venues, are appalling. Almost all evidence also points to how Qatar most definitely bribed to get the right to host the event. I remember a comment on another site mentioning how Qatar getting the Cup now meant that FIFA really stood for “Farcical International Football Association”.

    In other circumstances, though, I generally like watching World Cup matches. Several over the years have been memorable. I also like soccer as a sport in general.

  16. I can’t wait! Not a traditional soccer fan, but similar to the Olympics, I love supporting the national team for international competitions.

    I might be in the minority, but I care less about Qatar’s track record and more about just looking forward to seeing some good games from the squad.

  17. I almost always care about and watch the World Cup and watch very consistently (my favorite teams are Ireland, El Salvador when they make it, and Italy). For Qatar, I care about doing what I can to boycott it and that’s it.

  18. No.

    The Middle East in that area has a horrible record on slavery and abuse of Africans and South Asians. Many died in poor conditions building those stadiums, many more are forced to work and not able to return home.

    FIFA is absolutely corrupt.

    It’s hard to overlook all that for a game most of us don’t care about.

  19. I will watch every single match. Its the fucking World Cup. I expect the US to not make it out of the group stage but I don’t give a shit. There is no other sporting event that can compare.

    That being said, FUCK FIFA AND FUCK QATAR. My best friend is from Nepal and he has had so many countrymen enslaved and murdered because of this world cup. It is sickening but these players have prepared their whole lives for this moment and it is not their fault this sport is run by some of the most evil people in the world.

  20. Yes. I live in a heavy European immigrant area outside of Chicago and it’s huge as well as champions league. My bil is going there. We have a nonstop Qatari airways right from ohare.

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