I realized this as I was journaling about how making friends in college has been so difficult for me. I realized all my friends i had in high school were people I’ve been friends with since the fifth grade. But then I realized that I had also been had the same classes with all of them because i was in the ~gifted~ program at our school. So I saw these kids everyday for 7 years, in the same classes. In college, I’ll try befriending someone in class, but I have a hard time showing my personality (it’s like i have a terrible marketing team ffs) and I can tell that they aren’t very comfortable with me because i’m being so reserved. The only friends i’ve made so far has been my roommate and the girl who lives across from us…forced proximity again. So i guess it takes a very very long time for me to open up. I think my question here is, is there a way to elevator pitch your personality? Like make people want to befriend me even though we met briefly. Idk if that’s a dumb question but I feel like it’s been on my mind for weeks.

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