I work in customer service and I get by but literally my constant two phrases are “I know!” and “forreal!” Today my coworker texted me about some life problems and I’ve been wanting to be her friend but I have no clue how to reply to her after some things she said. It’s like a character talking off script lol

  1. I relate to this so hard. I like to change the tone of my 2 standard phrases when talking to people irl, but when a friend is venting through text I try to ask some questions so they can do most of the talking

  2. most people are extremely boring. if you don’t try to get into a more interesting situation get used to this being the majority of your conversation for the rest of your life

    edit: i forgot the worst part. not that you will have to deal with it, but that it will slowly become normal and then before you can even recognize it you will become boring too, because interacting with boring people will be all you do, and all you do is your entire life.

  3. I think that if she tells you a life problem, she already consider you as a friend. ☺️

    Not everyone needs an advice. Sometimes, you just need someone to listen. You can start with an emphaty statement then ask her if she would like your advice or if she just needs a listening ear.

  4. I either respond with “that’s crazy!” or I pause before saying the most rehearsed funky surrealist dad joke inside joke with myself type response with a childish voice: “must have been those darn lemons”

  5. repeat the last phrase they said back as acknowledgment you heard them

    bounce off one of the points they said and steer the conversation to something you care about

    validate their emotions and show them what they’re feeling is okay (if they say they are mad at … tell them how that is such a frustrating experience)

    let them vent any negative feelings out (this is a very awkward thing to respond to so if you just say yeah or mmhmm and let them vent out, its great. then switch the conversation to something positive thats going on in their lives)

    basically just help them feel good and make sure you dont feel bad

  6. Best “how to” article on this that I’ve found is here https://michaelssorensen.com/how-to-validate-someone-the-four-step-method/

    Has examples too.

    I got the book this guy wrote for my husband and it’s really helped. He never knew what to say other than “yeah” a lot.

    Asking questions is always a good response to someone too… if you don’t know what to say, it could be that you need more information from them to understand better so that you can know what to say

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