So I have this friend that I talk to pretty much everyday, but I’ve only actually met a select few times. We actually met in person today, and I’m not entirely sure if she asked me out without officially saying it? Or is she just really, really nice?

So basically, I’m helping her with a project, and she wanted to sit down and have coffee and discuss it. She lives about an hour away, so because of that she insisted she’d either pay for my train tickets, or for my coffee. It was a really nice time, but the project talk ended pretty quickly, and for a few hours we just talked

I noticed some small things, she said she in a bad mood, but that she became much better when I got there, and asked if I wanted to go to the gym with her sometime, because “I look ripped”. She also said she skipped the gym today to have spend more time with me, and repeatedly told me how “worth it” it was. She also brought up some video games she wanted us to play.

Also, we’ve always talked through Snapchat, and she ended up telling me she basically only has it to talk to me, and doesn’t use it at all otherwise. Then she told me how happy she feels everytime I text her on there, basically exactly how I wrote it

When we were on our way back to the train station, she told me she thinks we hang out too little, and that she wants us to go dancing, or that she wants to make the trip to my town so me and her can have a night out together, or go have dinner at a place she likes.

Was she just being friendly, or was she “asking me out”-asking me out?

**TL;DR** \- Met up with a friend, who insisted she pay for my coffee. Then, she made little remarks, like how she thinks I’m “ripped”, how worth it it was to blow off her other plans to spend more time with me, how I made her bad mood go away,

Then she dropped the bomb that she only has Snapchat installed to talk to me, and doesn’t use it at all otherwise. Then, she told me how “happy she feels when I text her”. On our way back, she told me we needed to get together again, she wants to go out to a club, or have a night out. She also brought up restaurants she really liked. Was she just being friendly, or asking me out?

  1. What sign would you actually be receptive to? Should she slap you right in the face with her labia or would you still be on here unsure

  2. Impossible for us to know if she’s just effusive and friendly or if she’s flirting.

    Text her and say “I would love for you to come to my town to go to dinner/go dancing together. Would you like for it to be a date, or just as friends?”

    Then you can 1) express that you arent oblivious to the possible romantic connotation and 2) not box her in in case she meant it in a different way than you would like it.

  3. I’m pretty confident saying that she likes you. It sounds like she was dropping lots of hints. I would invite her out again soon, and specifically use the word “date” when you do it. “I’d like to take you out on a date this weekend – want to go dancing Saturday night?” Something like that.

  4. I’m pretty sure a hallmark screenwriter is stealing your short story to turn out another romcom named “leap” or something terrible like that.

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