Hey Guys! Hope you’re having a great day!

So, I’ve been doing a lil bit of self-introspection and I’ve realized certain things about myself that I want to fix.

1. I get really moody and irritated when I go to class, and I just tend to ignore people/friends I meet in class. I’m pretty sure they want to talk to me, but I just can’t for the life of me, go up and talk to them.
2. I can talk to the same people for hours together if I met them anywhere else apart from the lecture hall or College Cafeteria. (Bathroom, College Gym, Supermarket, Coffee Shop and College Events etc).
3. I’m pretty much a loner in my class. I have an entire row of seats dedicated for me, and people always leave that row empty for me lmao.
4. People have legit told me they thought I was anti-social, and were surprised when I started talking to them -\_-
5. I was a part of two groups, but ended up getting sidelined for no reason? I sort of felt like a concubine in that group. Kids in my class are really group-y and dependent on each other. So, these experiences have sort of destroyed any sort of motivation I had to talk to people or friends in class.
6. To add on to point 1, I feel like I give people mixed vibes by ignoring them at certain times and then acting all normal if I see them anywhere else.
7. I tend to leave class the moment the lecture ends, I guess that’s become my escape tactic?

Also, I feel like I’m imposing when I’m talking to these “friends” when they are in a group, because there is always this one person who dislikes me for whatever reason, and are most likely the cause of me being sidelined from any group after a certain time.

Some of them have even flat out asked me why I don’t talk to them or ignore them, and I just dodge such questions. If they can’t see such group dynamics at play, there’s a high chance they wouldn’t understand if I flat-out gave them the answer.

So, I’ve been feeling guilty off-late with just ignoring them, so I drop a lil Hey, and walk away. I still feel guilty, albeit a little bit less guilty.


Appreciate any insights on what I can do to fix this.


Thank you!

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