25 (M) and feel like dating is pointless. I just feel like I’m not able to find high value women: someone I can grow with , not take care of.

I feel that as a selfmade man that had to work hard to get to where I am / to support my lifestyle I don’t want to feel obligated to support someone else’s lifestyle especially if they have no plans to help me level up in life.

I feel like modern women want everything without giving anything . They want a guy that’s making 6 figures, who’s 6 feet tall, never cheats, pays for all of their shit, and is head over heels about them and all they offer in return is sex and looks!

It’s just not enough for me and more high value men are also starting to see this and opt out of the dating scene as well.

For the ladies out there : it’s okay to have these high standards but you also must ask yourself (and be honest with your answer) would a guy that meets all of your standards really want to be with someone like me ?

There are sooo many average women believing they deserve above average men because other women tell them they do but they don’t end up with these guys because they fail to understand that high value men 1) have a ton of options because most women want high value men and 2) they don’t want you because you fail to even try to distinguish yourself from these other women…

  1. Well like you said, if a woman’s standards are truly too high, she’s going to be miserable.

    There are plenty of average women who find average guys still. Dating apps skew things a lot. Those insane standards aren’t as common as you might think. I mean women are picky in general, but the internet makes things seem so distorted.

  2. >I feel like modern women want everything without giving anything . They want a guy that’s making 6 figures, who’s 6 feet tall, never cheats, pays for all of their shit, and is head over heels about them and all they offer in return is sex and looks!

    Well, if you’re going to assume that all women are this, how do you hope to find one that isn’t?

    Do you think all women are the same and want the same things?

    Also what’s with this “average’ and “high value” talk? Who decides what either of those things are?

  3. To give women advice that I think could help them date guys that meet their ridiculous standards…

    And I said for most people it’s money but for me it’s potential… supporting yourself doesn’t mean you need to make a ton of money, it just means that you need to be able to cover your own expenses

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