Lately, I’ve been feeling absolutely awful about myself. I feel ugly. I feel stupid. I feel boring. I feel socially awkward. Every time I try to meet people in my classes I say something awkward or do something uncomfortable. Like, I sometimes feel as if I’m not in control of my movements and I’ll kind of jerk around and twitch a bit. But I don’t do that when I’m alone. Only around people. My anxiety is making me feel ugly. I just can’t feel good about myself when I’m miserable inside of my own mind. Does anyone else experience similar things?

  1. You aren’t ugly, stupid or boring, so what you need to do is improve on the way you think about yourself.

    If you feel ugly, find a physical characteristic of yours that you like and take a moment to appreciate it. Handle your hygiene with a sense of purpose. Don’t just get clean, care for your physical self. Slow down and take the time to exfoliate, moisturize, etc. buy clothes that fit well and style your hair in a way that accentuates your features.

    If you feel stupid learn something and put it to use. Find something you’re curious about, hop online and read/watch videos about it, then start doing whatever it is. Know that failure is inevitable and learn from it. Don’t get obsessed with results, remind yourself to find joy in the process. For example, I recently decided to learn to whittle. I listen to the scraping, smell the freshly exposed wood, and watch as the minuscule wood shavings curl and fall to the floor. Whether my efforts yield something pleasing or not, I thoroughly enjoyed the process and want to do it again. I want to do it again and I will become more skilled.

    If you still feel boring after those steps, go on an adventure. Deliberately put yourself in a predicament. I camped out one night with a windchill temperature of -50 degrees Fahrenheit just to get a photo of a frozen waterfall during golden hour. I slept in layers in a 0 degree sleeping bag. I placed a gallon jug of water in the footbox of my sleeping bag so it wouldn’t freeze(it froze solid). My body ached for four days after that and the photograph was terrible, but the experience helped shape me.

    The bottom line is that you’re fucking awesome, but you have to take steps to realize it. The social awkwardness is bullshit, there’s not a single person that “belongs” more than you. Just get out of your head and into the world around you.

  2. Focus on your confidence. Maybe get a therapist or look online for strategies to increase confidence.

    Let’s say you do that mishap, where you jerk and twitch around among other people. Or, maybe you say something awkward.

    Now add a joke. No, seriously, downplay your blunder by adding a joke. It shows that you’re confident and couldn’t care less. It doesn’t even have to be great. Just say the first funny thing that comes out of your head.

    It wasn’t funny? So what. You’ll probably never see these people again.

    As for the other side of things, my advice is to exercise. Go out and take a jog with your favorite music. Go do some weight training with handweights or heavy objects. Maybe even go to an indoor pool to swim. Whatever works for you. The bigger picture: exercise will help you in many ways!

    1. It builds your confidence.
    2. It’s good for your body.
    3. Most importantly, exercising releases hormones that make you feel mentally happy! Exercise also helps with anxiety a lot.

    It’s crazy how this works. I was feeling depressed for some time. I felt that I was a failure, a boring person to talk to, etc. etc. Then I started to exercise.

    My mind cleared up. I didn’t feel slow, or stupid, or any of those negative things no one needs to be called.

    Please try my advice. It will help you help yourself.

  3. This post is pissing me off bro, seriously.

    You are being a pussy but you don’t want to be that. So why are you?????

    Accept your flaws. Make a a fucking list about everything that you dont like about yourself and then start fixing that shit. Hit the gym, learn about grooming and how to improve your looks and just go talk to people. What is the worst that can happen?

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