My wife gave birth 2.5 months ago. Between the stress of the baby, the restless nights, and some scarring issues (which she’s discussing with her doctor) sex has been the farthest thing from her mind.

I’m general, I have a higher drive than her so I took care of things alone prettiy often but I’d often do it on her presence (with her consent of course) since I liked the intimacy, but now that she’s so clearly uninterested in sex and she isn’t such a sexual person in general/our sex life isn’t so active I’ve been way too embarrassed to bring it up. Like, my sexual desires aren’t that important to her in general let alone now.

So, just curious in times like this if others involve their partner or keep it to themselves.

  1. You need to have this conversation with her to see if you can come up with some compromises to help fulfill your needs.

  2. Congratulations on becoming parents! Yes I absolutely tell my partner and he’s the same way. Even way back then though, when we were having babies, I was the HL partner and he was the LL partner. It’s been long enough since your baby was born that more than likely you are safe to engage in sexual relations but you really need to talk to her about how you are feeling and what you need and about how she is feeling and what she needs. Her body, especially her hormone levels, have gone through some significant changes. Some women don’t feel at all sexy after having a baby and they are also exhausted. They feel touched out. The mental load involved with caring for an infant is huge but it’s not impossible to get back into the swing of things in regard to sexual intimacy. Most important though, you need to talk to each other so that you both know what’s going on in your hearts and minds and what each of you need right now. Good luck!

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