17M here, I sit next to a girl in one of my classes and it has become a running joke among my friends that we have some sort of love interest together. I literally have not said a single word about her or carried a one-on-one conversation with her outside of the work we do in class, but they still like to joke about it. The other day a whole group of my friends started purposely talking very loudly about how I supposedly have a crush on her. I just kept my mouth shut the whole time. She heard them and laughed and said, “you guys know I can hear you, right?”. She seemed to get a kick out of it, but I seriously do not know how I can speak to her without it being awkward after that. Was wondering if anyone went through a similar experience when they were young and could give me any advice. It would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Perspective. Act as if it never happened and talk about the present/future. Awkwardness is also funny and cute in moderation so don’t be scared if there are dry spots. Chin up dude

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