I have a friend who grew up without siblings and was homeschooled and didn’t really develop the best social skills… they just talk and talk and talk (mostly about work because that’s really all they do, they don’t have a partner or many other friends) and then give you maybe a sliver of time to say something then they just go back to their tangent or long winded story. They also interrupt often with something completely unrelated. I notice when they talk to their parents and interrupt with something random the parents don’t really do anything about it and just let them do it, which kind of makes me think they’ve never said “hey don’t interrupt people it’s rude”

My partner and other friends dont even like hanging out with this person because of how hard they are to speak with. It’s exhausting. I am very patient and feel bad that i’m one of their only friends, they’re also a good person and a genuinely caring good friend, but cannot handle them in long stretches of time because it burns me out… their other previous close friends almost all ghosted them and didn’t say why (likely for this reason!!)

Anyway, how do I deal with this?? It’s definitely more of handling someone else’s poor social skills but WHOOF. It’s rough. They are also very insecure and I don’t want to hurt their feelings or say anything but it’s hard to hang out with someone who is so tiring to talk to…

1 comment
  1. If nobody ever told him he just don’t know it better. Next time you get interrupted interrupt him back and say something like: can I please finish my story? And when it happens again you can tell him that he does this often and it’s not polite
    My ex used to do this a lot but she was very thankful that I have brought it to her attention.

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