I’ll go first: You’re more fun to text than hangout with.

  1. Your face looks like you were injured in an accident.

    Note: I have no noticeable scars or anything on my face. I’m just not good looking.

  2. Not the worst, but the one that stung most and took me most by surprise. In September, I was walking towards the train station with a lady friend, when some of the local colour exited, engaged in a screaming fight with his imaginary friend (as they do). As we’re passing each other, he yells out something like, “Oh yeah? Like a fatass like him?” and points right at me, then keeps walking.

    That’s not a bad insult, but it sticks with me because of how brazen and unexpected it was. Like, yeah. You don’t need to point out I’m overweight – I’m pretty sure I know that, from my lack of dating matches. I just didn’t expect to be called it by one of the local bums.

  3. A couple of years ago I grabbed a fish and chip early dinner in my local fish and chip shop with an attached restaurant, when it came to paying I was charged the OAP rate, I was 57 at the time but had had a rough day. I didn’t correct the young waitress, but did leave her a generous tip, and was still quids in.

  4. “Do you even do any exercise?” I did and still do karate twice a week, swimming once a week, running for 2 hours a week, go to the gym twice a week, do 50 pushups a day, have distinct biceps, forearm muscles, shoulders muscles, triceps, back muscles and abs. I’m guessing that girl just wanted to make me feel bad, I ended up going on a rant on her about everything wrong with her and she ended up crying.

  5. A classmate said that I am ugly.

    All the students in my school were photographed for the annual yearbook, and we were given the option to buy copies of our photograph. I bought copies of my photograph, which were in a window envelope with my photograph clearly visible. The teacher held up the envelope containing my photo for all of my classmates to see. A classmate shouted, “He’s ugly!” All of my classmates laughed in agreement with my classmate’s insult.

  6. I hated this one when I heard it. Now I laugh my ass off thinking about it: I’m more man than you’ll ever be and more women you’ll ever get.

    I guess he doesn’t know how to drive a manual transmission car, change his own oil or fix his brakes. My wife does.

    What a tool. On the bright side I developed a thick skin. If you’re an ass I don’t have time for you, better tone to do than worry about what some asshat I don’t respect is thinking.

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