I’m 25 with little dating experience (one ex, 3 months). Recently I got a new girlfriend, and I’m scared of the idea that I’m only with her because I want a girlfriend.

I met her through online dating, and we got along well from the beginning. During our second date she asked to be boyfriend/girlfriend, and on our third I said yes. At this point we had known each other for two weeks, one of which was texting.

I can feel that she’s a good for me, but the pacing of everything and my family warning me that I may be committing too soon is making me doubt. Is there any way for me to be sure that I truly want *her* without wasting my time and hers?


Edit: Want to add, I’ve shared this concern with her and she said I don’t seem like the type. However I’d been trying to find a girlfriend for over a year, and she and my ex were the only ones who have ever agreed to a second date. So not sure where that leaves me 😐

  1. you’re not bf and gf

    you’ve been on 3 dates

    just enjoy what’s happening and go from there

    it’s fine to date one person at a time, that’s all you’re doing

  2. Since ur questioning it I’d say that’s ur answer… doing it to not be alone…

  3. Dating isn’t settling. Just remember that.

    The point of dating is to find out what you want in a life partner and have fun whilst doing it.

    I’d say you labeled it a little quickly, but keep going with the flow. If problems arise and you find you aren’t attracted physically or mentally, call it quits.

    There shouldn’t be this much pressure right in the beginning.

  4. Do you enjoy being with her more than you enjoy being alone? Does it make you happy to spend time with her?

    You’re not getting married
 and you’ve barely even been dating. I think you’re overthinking this.

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