K so for context me f(20) and this guy (m20) met on the train last month, we hit it off fairly well he seems great, and now r seeing each other casually cuz I don’t want anything serious atm, as I recently ended a serious relationship. He’s also not that ambitious which I value in a long term partner, which is why I don’t see any long-term potential in him so just keeping it casual.

We basically hooked up twice but w out f*cking him and have not given head, due to my personal reasons (waiting till marriage to acc have s*x). I explained to him and he seemed to understand, but idk if he truly is ok w it and will continue to push my s*xual boundaries further. we’ve seen each other irl 2 times so far after meeting him on the train, one of them being my bday.

BUT when we met up 2 weeks ago, he brought about what I believe to be a red flag for me (I’m not sure if I’m overreacting tho). So as we were hooking up he kept encouraging me to put my mouth on his d*** to eventually give him head and when I told him “no I’m not comfortable” quite a few times, he was like “cmon just think of it like sucking a popsicle” which he repeated a good 2-3 times and told me how it feels good when girls give head, like I get it. But I personally think oral is gross and I don’t wanna risk getting any stds hahaha 🤣 (no offence to anyone here tho who does it, just my personal take).

No matter how many times he tried to convince me, I did not suck him and I didn’t let him eat me out either ESP not when he kept saying stuff like that, I found it extremely off putting of him continuing to push me even if I were to have s*x with him. After a good 3-4 times of me saying no, he did accept and stop asking me, I don’t think his intentions were bad, but idk still how to feel about everything. I just feel like no guy truly understands the importance of consent and boundaries anymore, like no means no right (even my ex tried to force me into sexual acts I didn’t know much about or feel comfortable doing), tbh I have very little faith in men these days haha.

He’s good company as a person, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for me to see him again after what transpired and idk if I want to. Idk he seems to be pretty into me in spite of that (he said he’d be open to long term relationship w me on the first real date when I asked what he is looking for, I don’t feel that way tho abt him Esp not after what he did). Like he added many of my social media accts and engages w my content, checks in on me and texts me first (even after I didn’t text him for over a week after that day), other guys I talked to before are horrible texters.

All things considered, should I continue to see him or should I break things off? I also don’t wanna hurt his feelings if I do cut him off, so how should I go about that?

  1. Why bother? You see no future with him, and dates are going to continue to be him pressuring for sex. Opt out.

  2. You don’t seem to be into him; you’re not interested in intimate/sexual activity; seeing someone irl 2 times after meeting isn’t even ‘casual dating’ – honestly it sounds like you’re kind of lonely and not really sure what you want in a partner. Probably move on – I’m sure he’ll be fine.

  3. wait wait wait, you have a friends with benefits, but you are not engaging in penetrative nor oral sex because you want to wait for marriage? That is the worst kind of friends with benefits i have ever heard about.

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