I pack my partner’s lunch for work every day. I was emptying the dirty containers from his lunchbox when I noticed he packed his toothbrush and toothpaste. I thought it was weird so I asked him why it was in there. He said “So he could brush his teeth after having coffee” (I make him a coffee to go every morning). I said “That’s weird, you’ve never done that before.” His response was “Yeah”. Cue him acting all weird and going to bed about 6 hours earlier than he normally does.

This is a man that doesn’t even brush his teeth daily. He won’t even brush his teeth for me if we’re being intimate. He used to though, when we were first dating.

As I’m sitting here thinking how random this all is I remember, a new girl started at his work this week.. the only girl that works there too.

I’m not saying he’s cheating but this is sus af to me.

For context, we have a baby and our sex life has really slowed down due to me being tired, up throughout the night with the baby and a lot of painful scar tissue from giving birth.

Despite all this he is always on my case about our sexlife and trying to initiate. This week has actually been really bad for it.

I’d appreciate some advice or insight as I’m not sure what to make of this situation.

  1. If I were you for sure I would try to investigate more..because girls have very good guts about things and we are almost never wrong..unfortunately.

    Try to find out.. does he takes he phone with him everywhere? Is he coming home later than usual? does he treats you differently?

    Investigate girl, you need connections..discretely try to investigate with people that work with him or friends.. snoop around his socials..there is no other way.

  2. It doesn’t mean he’s cheating, but he could be talking to her a lot and feel the need to not have bad breath while doing it, which is kind of weird if it never mattered before. so maybe try to bring it up again.

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