Title pretty much explains it but what are some tips that you do to let someone know your interested in them and avoid being friendzoned

  1. Tell them that you’re interested. Ask them if they would be interested in being more than friends at some point.

  2. Be upfront with your intentions, if you come up as friendly, your putting yourself in the friend zone. If she’s looking for a friend don’t waste your time, friendly rarely turn sexual

  3. IF she’s not interested in fucking you, don’t spend time with her.

    The difference between friendzone and friendship is I don’t want to fuck my friends.

    Also don’t blame the girl for putting you in the friendzone. IF she says, all I can offer you is friendship and you decide to stick around (because you’re a masochist or some dating guru advised you to stick it and ‘turn’ her), then you put YOURSELF in the zone and only have yourself to blame.

  4. Be direct. Dudes put themselves into the friend zone by not making a move until it’s too late, or getting rejected initially and hanging around hoping she’ll change her mind (she won’t).

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