It’s just gone 1am, my 11 month old has woken for the second time because of fireworks. I live a couple of streets from a park (owned by the council) and they are coming from that direction. This has been happening all week and it’s not helping by the fact that a dozen pop up firework shops have started to appear

Do I contact the police or the council or both?

Edit: I’m not trying to or want to spoil anyone’s fun and I’m not that bothered about them at the appropriate times. There were fireworks still going off at 3am and my 11 month old woke up several times because of the noise. I wouldn’t even mind so much if it was just the bright ones that just sort of fizz but they are the ones that are so loud, the whole street shakes!

Someone commented that I should just use ear plugs? What kind of stupid comment is that, I’m talking about a baby being affected by this!

Someone also helpfully said I should speak to my neighbors, I know a few around my area have small kids too. I think I’m going to try speaking to the council about it rather than the police (unless it becomes a serious emergency)

  1. Around here kids play with fireworks on a daily basis in parks and throw them at random houses, I wouldn’t expect anyone to do anything

  2. Christ almighty. It’s firework season. Yeah, it gets a bit annoying. Perhaps try moving to the middle of nowhere if the sound of other people inconveniences you

  3. Reporting it to 101 won’t do anything unless there being overly stupid like putting it in peoples letterbox’s or round a busy road. Even then police are stretched and it’ll be hours before they come out especially on a Friday night Halloween weekend. Maybe try a white noise machine it’ll take a few nights to adjust but it’s worth a try? Or a fan or tv maybe? Good luck mate

  4. You can hardly get anyone to take you seriously when you have been beaten up stabbed etc you have got no chance of them doing anything for a few fireworks

  5. If just annoying then you could try 101 but unlikily to get anyone.

    If being risk to life or property (maybe aim at Cara or houses might get on fire or firing them at passes by) you could call 999. His is the only chance of getting a response and then it depends how busy the stretched police are.

  6. Honestly, the best you can do is to try to gather a group of annoyed residents and place pressure on the Council.

    Police won’t do anything – they know as soon as they turn up everyone will do a runner, and in the grand scheme of things it’s a very minor crime so not going to be a priority to put resource behind.

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